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With all of us Americans out of work you would think we would help each other out with jobs

With all of us Americans out of work you would think we would help each other out with jobs

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Category: Secrets

This just in: PEOPLE SUCK! and are too concerned with themselves to help others. Now I know not all people are like this but majority are. Its a sad truth. I personally think that if we as people came together and helped one another out our country would be a better, stronger place but instead people are stuck too far up their own ass.
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where's the secret?
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As long as the illegals keep packing their bags, it has a silver lining.
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Yeah, you would think. But you are Americans. And that makes you greedy, selfish, and well pretty stupid some times. The world is hoping you will catch up, and be world citizens, but, no, you look like continuing just like the last 8 years.
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I agree with the first poster. People who care are a dying breed. Good lUck in the end
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2up...Look you jerk off, Americans are the most generous people on earth!And the smartest!Why be so-called "world citizens"? All you want is our money and our knowledge!We will never give up our freedom, or our beliefs.What ever they are!How many illegals are clamoring to get into other countries? So take your asinine comments and SHOVE them!
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Why? we are sending all of our high-tech engineering and manufacturing jobs to India and China.
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^2 You really do not know what is going on in the world at all do you? People are queuing up everywhere to get into other countries. It often happens after America bombs the shit out of someplace that cannot protect itself. As to your money? You dipshit!!! You dont have any money? You have spent it! Then you borrowed more. You are up to your arse in debt, and will take hundreds of years to pay it down, that is, if anyone still wants the $USD then. And the Smartest????? The guys that ran Enron? The guys that sold off CDO tranches of debt that was worthless, just to get it off their books, and then create more toxic debt to sell to some of you guys. The citizens! For your 401K pension plans! Ha ha! Smartest guys on earth. Yeah, smartest guys on Earth screwed their own citizens right in the ass, but it was ok, they did not even realize it was happening!!And Freedom? You gave it away. You can be locked up now on no charge and be considered guilty until you can prove you are innocent Ha ha LMFAO
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^ He is right. We are sheep. Our government is experimenting on us.
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You would think someone in America would realize that if we let china and other countries make everything, there will be less jobs here. Sh*t we don't even make our own flags, thats how sad we are. American companies only have American owners, all the employees are overseas. Just call them and you will see, especially afterhours. We live in the country of dumb people.
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^ Thats what I was saying ^3 up, you live in a country of dumb people. You should get used to China making everything, because they are going to be doing it for a long time. In your country and mine, nobody wants to do the dirty work anymore. It is beneath us. So we outsource to wherever the people are hungry enough. I bet in 50 years time, we will be begging to clean toilets.
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We can't compete with people getting paid $2 a day to put cars together. Inflation here sucks. Wally World or bust!
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Our government was too happy putting more money in the rich mans pocket, until they realized the money would run out.
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I am amazed that Americans think there should be no negative consequences for themselves, when they send their soldiers and massive weaponry to go off and slaughter people in other countries. This screwed up economy is only a small part of the karma we have coming.
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