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we were a close family . dad passed in my arms . mom is 90 and cant remember . i got a pain in my heart somethin fierce . family is so important . i am a wreck

we were a close family . dad passed in my arms . mom is 90 and cant remember . i got a pain in my heart somethin fierce . family is so important . i am a wreck

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Category: Secrets

The only thing that brings TOTAL acceptance. We eventually get there. The question is how long do you want to suffer before you do?
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I know it hurts to lose someone you love. So sorry you are going through that :(
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Your mother will soon remember and she will be at peace. I hope you find yours soon too.
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I know that pain too. My Dad died 11 years ago and my Mom is 87. It's so hard to watch the ones you love get sick and die! It's a down right torture! But that's life. I'm already thinking of when I get sick or die and how my kids are going to feel. I even cry when I look at my poor old dog and know her time is coming..
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I raised 5 kids and as hard as it was I wish I could relive those days. Now, at age 58 I have it made but cherish the hard-times. Sitting on the couch, kids crawling all over me. Today, I burned an audio tape made in 1990. On it is the voice of my late and father in law. I have about 30 hours of audio from 986-1993. I think ahead..
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Time for me to digitalize all the home movies we made on VHS back in the day. My boy will get a kick out of seeing me as a teenager.
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I lost my son,suicide over a woman,I'm accepting it now as i see her living in pain,because of the games she played,she not only lost him,i took everything she thought was hers,the fancy cars,two homes,the cash,and her children.She doesn't even have transportation now,Now she will have to learn how to work for a living,or suck off the goverment nipple the rest of her life,be careful who you f*** with,you may get more than you bargained for! God will forgive you,but i'm human and don't have too.Better stick with God and do whats right,because some of us won't!
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i wish you strength, courage, and hope you find peace.
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today i read all your comments .. thank you .. except for cry me a river guy .. you i would put fishhooks in your eyes , take you to a quiet place and knife you up real special ! take out your teeth with a my handy multi tool and make a necklace for my cat .. the world needs less asses like you and time is tickin .. tick .. tick ... tick.
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^ dude,get a life,you been watching too much animal planet,he he he!
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what the hell is that a picture of?
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Ice crystals on a mailbox.
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^ thanks
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have kids and keep it going. the world needs more of us!
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