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I have lived with severe depression most of life and had suicidal thoughts regularly for over 15 years...I am now 29. I'm scared it will always be this way...

I have lived with severe depression most of life and had suicidal thoughts regularly for over 15 years...I am now 29. I'm scared it will always be this way...

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Category: Secrets

it does not have to be that way, there are meds to help, you just have to be strong enough to get the help.
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Seek help! It can be MUCH MUCH better! See a doctor.
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get help
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You can get better but you have to get to the core of why you are depressed and face it. It may be something that will make you really angry and instead of turning that anger inward, you will have to find a way to process the anger. Stay off of the meds - go talk to someone.
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get help
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It will be if you want it that way, if you don't it won't.
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Don't Worry, Be Happy.Life is Swell, if you stay Well.No matter how bad life seems it can always change for the better.Hang in there.These are all BULLSHIT SAYINGS!Just be thankful you don't have CANCER and have to under go two years of the worst treatment in the world only to Die at 33 like my son just did.
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^ Sorry to hear about your son.
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my 9 year old son told me today he wants to die. He asked for a knife or for me to kill him. I held him and cried.
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Dr Amen on pbs, brain scans saved my life,plz look into it,take care.
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Start living an accountable life. Be honest. Make actions match words. This will save you.
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you will. it probably started as a child. live with it.
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I know how it feels. I've lived with depression and anxiety for years. I feel the same way. I've taken meds, been to therapy, talked to people. Nothing seems to work very well. Hang on it gets better as you go.
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kill yourself then. if you havent done it by now, your probably never going to. i've been there. find a hobby, anything, to distract you and keep yourself busy. try meds, it might help. personally, they made me worse. keep a journal. find a way to let it all out without hurting yourself. you have to have something to live for, and make you happy. get a pet to talk to, it helps. im 25 and i've been severely depressed and suicidal since i was about 11. i know your pain.
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Kill yourself and get it over with it already! Damn I am sick of the whining!
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^I think we should kill you! That would be one less oxygen thief on the planet!!!!!!!!!!
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Your story is like mine. I am still here so that my loved ones will suffer my suicide. I try everyday to be happy. Usually i fail.
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^ Keep Trying,
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I feel for ya. Took me a couple years to figure it out and I have it under control. Good luck but after 15yrs you need to find some help
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^9, you don't have a clue about depression. OP: some people are helped by talk therapy and/or meds. If you haven't investigated these, you ought to.
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