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i'm n relationship with a bi-polar man..he loves me then, he loves me not. but i love him always and it hurts.

i'm n relationship with a bi-polar man..he loves me then, he loves me not. but i love him always and it hurts.

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Category: Secrets

me too... its seriously confusing. And it hurts. Bad...
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There isn't a cure for that either is there? My wife is one and I just found out.
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I was married to a man like that. I divorced his ass, and never looked back. It was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life.
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my ex wife is bipolar,life with her was hell!! so many things accompany bi polar,make sure they stay on the meds.and good luck your gonna need it
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"... for better or worse and in sickness and health till death do you part..."
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Only problem with "till death do you part" gives a lot of bipolars an opportunity to kill the non-bipolar person or the kids or themselves. So listen here you trite little "motherf***er" stuff that in the coffin that dedication brings. So, your spouse freaks out and kills 20 people at work, is that a Death do you part thing" too.Prick
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I was married to a man like that too, he almost killed me, be careful......
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Move on. Too much hurt and bullshit. Not worth spending your life jumping around him. I had the same life with my ex-gf. Then one day had to ask myself what was more important. Being with her or being happy.
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Mine was bipolar too. After years of the heart aches and threats he finally killed himself. Left me with a 5 year old I now have to explain why daddy is dead to, a ton of bills from the emergency services the funeral and such...cause life insurance doesn't pay if it's suicide, all kinds of legal questions. I lost the house and both cars, I lost everything I had known for 20 years...At least he didn't take my beautiful little boy, I just hope he's never stricken with this.
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I just have to say the guy in the Pic IS SOOOOOO HOTT!!!
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try feeding him some fried chicken and watermelon. Maybe a bananna for desert.
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I'm married to a bi polar woman and as long as the meds are taken and taken on time all the time then everything will be ok. but a dose is missed, you can tell.
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2^ Wow, aren't you just a regular Einstein!?
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Love stinks, now what's for dinner, bit ch?
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Why do you hate your father?
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