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I feel guilty hiring a cleaning lady, but I think it might make me nicer to my lazy husband.  I don't want him to think I'm lazy too!  Im just tired!!

I feel guilty hiring a cleaning lady, but I think it might make me nicer to my lazy husband. I don't want him to think I'm lazy too! Im just tired!!

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Category: Secrets

This is so funny. I have been thinking about secretly hiring a cleaning lady. My husband says that "we" should be able to keep the house clean because we have no children, but he really means I should keep the house clean. I work full time and I hate cleaning. I should just do it.
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you'll love it untill he finds out and starts f***ing her lol!
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just hire an old mexican lady. that way he won't want to tap that. LOL
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Make sure you use E-Verify.
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Will your hubby have an urge to tap it?
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I'm a stay at home wife and mother so I feel it's really up to me to do all the cleaning. It's nice when my husband washes the dishes sometimes but it's usually like 3 or 4 times in a year. I'm the one who does all the cleaning and cooking. It's a good thing I actually enjoy it. I like the old fashioned roles of wife does cooking and cleaning and raising kids and husband works and mows lawn and fixes things.. If I had to work outside the home I'd tell him to fu*k off and he better be doing 50% of the chores!
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I used to work as a maid. You would be surprised how many wives secretly hire maids! I had several houses that I had to be out by a certain time cause hubby would come home. Don't be ashamed! If you can afford it,do it! Please keep this advice in mind...tip...even if it's only a few bucks. You will get better service and she will go out of her way to do extra.
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yeah an old mexican lady wearing a leopard print thong under that apron and uniform! lmao
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Who cares, what's for supper, b****?
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Make sure she's cute and if you're looking for a little of that action, her being bi would probably help. Now if its a case where you can't tear your fat ass away from the bonbons and day time soaps. Then you deserve what you get.
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i clean houses for a living and will tell you that yes your husband will probably start f***ing her. i f*** some of my clients' husbands. it's fun. especially when the lazy b**** is downstairs.
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OMG, I can soooo relate to the OP!
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