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I am a 43 year old woman and my sexual appetite is insatiable

I am a 43 year old woman and my sexual appetite is insatiable

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Category: Secrets

I wish I had your problem. I'm a 20 year old female with ZERO sex drive and it absolutely sucks. My fiance thinks that I say no to sex to be mean, but really it's because I don't have any desire what-so-ever. :(
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It's like a plant that wants to produce as much fruit, or vegetables as it were, before it dries up and can't bear fruit any longer. Nature is telling you to reproduce. See your inner plant.
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It's like a plant that wants to produce as much fruit, or vegetables as it were, before it dries up and can't bear fruit any longer. Nature is telling you to reproduce. See your inner plant. I just posted this comment and it is way up at the top. What up with that admin?
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I'm 42 also. I need to find me a young stud that is well endowed and can keep up with me!! I'm extremely sexual charged and my bF is 46 and has problems. I love seeing my ex, he gets a nice rise in his jeans just standing by me.
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I'm 50 lover 46 we have sex twice a day and weekends as many as 5 a day. Last night I had 6 O's and she had over 30 in about 12 hours. We feel 21 but know stuff! Sex is far better for both of us at this age. We never get enough!
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@@@ do u enjoy wads in your face?
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