Places for help:
If you cant go on:
alone, shallow and praying for death but i cant be that selfish. i have 2 babies to take care of i'm just tired of living alone.

alone, shallow and praying for death but i cant be that selfish. i have 2 babies to take care of i'm just tired of living alone.

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Category: Secrets

join a single mom support group. i'm sure there are plenty out there.
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Hang in there chick! Better days ahead... You have to see past the current funk that you are in and look to the sunshine that is coming your way.
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Hang in there chick! Better days ahead... You have to see past the current funk that you are in and look to the sunshine that is coming your way.
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talk to someone today,tell,it helps....keep telling.there is a lot of support available.
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I read this and does this person know exactly how I feel?
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dont cut yourself your kids will ask how it happened and that will hurt even more than being alone...cutting yourself or being so selfish combined...ugh
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I'd rather be alone.
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lonelyness in like buaety only in the eye of the beholder.
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Where's daddy?
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I know what you mean in being alone. It seems like every time a woman comes along she's emotionally unavailable or just looking for money. When you live alone it's not always so fun.
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just because a female sleeps with a guy doesnt make it her fault she's a single parent. she atleast was adult enough to take care of her responsibilities by providing for the child that was created while the douche bag that knocked her up runs out on her and moves on to the next female to deceive her and do the same thing again.
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oh boo hoo. you think you have it so bad. some people would die to be in your shoes. grow the f*** up.
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your not alone! you have two amazing soulmates to share your life with. and once you can be happy in yourself and cherish your children...romance will happen! i've been there, and it took me awhile but he was worth the wait!
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^Yeah, that's the new cool. Take care of someone else's kids while they go out and start a new family with some other b****.
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your not alone you have 2 children to take care of. get firends with babys. i know the feeling though. im 19 with a child and a boyfriend but still feel alone on somedays. time to look for a best friend
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you break my heart. ily. :(
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Talk to your doctor. Sounds like you have depression and need some help. Just remember if you left your kids for any reason where would they go? They need you. FInd help foryourslef!
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If you feel alone , just think how alone your children will be with no mommy
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You'll never be able to sucker a man if you run around feeling sorry for yourself! Unless you're hot that is... and I assume that you aren't.
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Don't even think about taking your life! Your kids need you... If you have them, than you are not alone. Cherish them and this time while they are young because life fly's by too fast. Remember that you are blessed and that God will take care of your little family. : )
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