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I'm either happy & fat, or sad & skinny. There's no inbetween. Secretly, I don't want to marry him. I don't want to be fat on my wedding day again, but I love food

I'm either happy & fat, or sad & skinny. There's no inbetween. Secretly, I don't want to marry him. I don't want to be fat on my wedding day again, but I love food

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Category: secrets

I have been fighting bulimia for over 17 years...
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Be happy. On you, a few extra pounds looks great.
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Some guys like chubby chicks, I'm one of them. We are called Chubby Chasers, Lard Lovers or just fat freaks. I love a size 8 butt shoved into a size 7 pantie. Oh, so sexy.
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Me too. Lost 121 pounds. Dated around and found Mr. Right. He is Pudgy. I have gained 30 pounds. I was happier fat. I have spent so much money on clothes. I think the reason I am gaining weight...I don't deserve to be happy. It is a struggle. Good Luck!
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Girl! I'm a size 4 and unhappy! I feel fat and useless all the time! I see happy couples everywhere... and the women are always larger and UGLY! I'm confused. I guess we need to stop trying to make others happy, be ourselves, stop caring and then we will be happy??? If you are loved, he loves even your flaws, maybe loves them more.
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You secretly don't want to marry him? Then really don't do it! What's he done to you so bad that he deserves to be lumbered with a wife who didn't want to marry him?Sort out your food neuroses in your own way, but first call off that stupid wedding!
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