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He had a tooth pulled, they gave him pain meds. It will make him start drinking again if he takes them. I swear, if he does I'll kill him. I can't do THAT again

He had a tooth pulled, they gave him pain meds. It will make him start drinking again if he takes them. I swear, if he does I'll kill him. I can't do THAT again

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Category: Secrets

i love drinking on pain meds
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hello oh boy!
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i never heard of getting pain meds for having a tooth pulled.
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i have had pain meds from a dentist before. They usually only give you 10 or 12...anyway...just know that YOU DONT have to put up with someone elses drug abuse. If he does start having issues, suggest AA, if he Dont have to live with is too short to have to put up with these things...and after awhile the pain will get better.
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^^^I agree completely. I've been there honey...stand your ground!
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Pull my crank.
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No, no pain meds are needed for a pulled tooth. Ibuprofen works fine. He is BSing you and using. AA is a cult and even in sobriety these people are narcissistic addicts to any other thing they can be addicted to, usually it is themself. If it is this bad, just get away from him.
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