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I'm tired of spending my hard earned money to watch a bunch of degenerates play, "sports".  Like white boys REALLY can't jump!  What a load of fucking bullshit!

I'm tired of spending my hard earned money to watch a bunch of degenerates play, "sports". Like white boys REALLY can't jump! What a load of fucking bullshit!

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Category: Secrets

This is incoherant crap! Why would anyone spend money on anything they didn't want to watch? I don't understand...who is forcing you to spend money on this? And if no one is, then why the f*** are you complaining about it?
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what so friggin special about them that they need to make millions of $$$$$? Thats what pisses me off.
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^what's so special about "them"? well compared to you they make millions of dollars being great athletes....jealous much?
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I believe the majority of athletes are morons and criminals anyway. But, there can, at least, count from 1 to potato.Would you prefer your daughter marry a man because he can shoot hoop?
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That is a bowling ball the monkey is holding. Everyone knows black people can't bowl
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^or swim
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^^or work.
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this world would be better without people like the OP it sucks people like you exist!!
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pay money for porn instead. i saw a porn star make a very athletic move
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LOL this a funny post, and Who is the majority in walfare. And all they can say is. MMM hmmmm, my bab'y daddy (number 6) owe meee child support. What he should've owed you was a damn condom.
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One word, HOCKEY!!!
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White poeple can be ignorant. Little do they know, white people are the majoirty on goverment assistance. AND if white people where talented in sports, they too would be getting paid the big bucks. Since they are not, they are jealous.
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^^^ We may be the majority on government assistance, but only because there are more whites in America(Thank God). PER CAPITA, more blacks are on assistance than even Hispanics. At least the Hispanic will work. Even if it does undermine the working-class wage. Thank goodness the Hispanics will be the race to be the majority in 50 years, rather than blacks. We don't need America looking like Detroit. I mean, that city is even worse than East LA.
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Lets dance a jig!
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At least we (hispanics)work and we don't look or act like apes at a zoo.
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what porn was that?
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You haven't found the off button?
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watching sports is for girls.
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I hate to burst your bubble, but blacks are more athletic.
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its sad that ppl still think and talk that way in "america"
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Gotta get me an MuchoStinko jersey. He plays for the Bengals right?
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How about a Whacko Blacko jersey? Oh wait, T.O. probably won't play any more.
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Them Negroids are out in force. Knuckles dragging all the way to the bank.
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