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I hate pepole that give their children every thing they ask and beg for.

I hate pepole that give their children every thing they ask and beg for.

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Category: Secrets

it's the "me" generation raising another "me" generation.....
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Picking my child up from school, they asked did you get me a present?I stopped the car and went off. Time is the best gift you can give your child. Nothing bothers me more than a demanding child, they still will get these unacceptable attitudes from their friends.
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I think a lot of people now who give their child everything becauser they had Nothing. It is a problem, but I think the parents heart is in the right place.
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You sound jealous.
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Yeah, I should have the freakin' PS3, not some damned snot-nosed kid!
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i agree, parents should accustom their kids to immediately get everything they want. They will be entitled pricks when they grow up. They will think they deserve to get everything without working for it
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when you're perfect, let us all know...
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Wtf mom, you didnt get me the new Iphone yet? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want me to look like a clown WITH THIS OLD ONE? HUH? GET ME ONE NOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A lot of parents feel pressure to keep the kids quiet and happy in public places, as to keep them from annoying other people. People really need to stfu when it comes to how parents parent I mean unless it's abuse then...well you get it. I mean If my kids running around the store making a ruckous you say..why can't she handle her kids and teach them to behave well, so then you come in the store and see me sternly possible rudly telling my kids to stop now or they are gunnah get it or swat them on the ass and you are up in a fit about that too? WTF do you want from me??????????????????????? STFU
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^^^No, wrong, exactly the opposite. When parents actually did their jobs, many years ago, entire neighborhoods spied and told on kids. The parents didn't say, "Butt out." They said, "Com'ere Johnny. Right NOW!" and profusely thanked the informers. Parents are lazy and narcissistic, wanting so much glory for their big, bad love of their own kids. It's the kids I feel sorry for. Wait till we see them all grown up.
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I am an aunt that gives my nephew everything he wants. my dad who takes care of him hates that I give him whatever he wants but I will do it anyways.
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I think parents give in to shut kids up because they give up in the struggle of wills. I hate kids too.
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I hate people who post these pics of animals with the retarded baby talk captions.
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Above I hate these pics too.
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^5 up - those fantasy days when the neighborhood Gestapo spied on everyone's kids were NOT the good old days. They were the days when children were beaten with sticks for the slightest misbehavior. They were the days that created the current crop of detached, unloving parents.
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Well, my kid acts up. And my kid can be annoying. And my kid gets many things he likes. But even at 3 he knows he must EARN them. And running in the store, screaming, throwing a fit, etc will only get him one thing...a trip to the bathroom. Timeouts aren't good enough? We spank. If he behaves, we will allow him the opportunity to earn said item. If a DOG can learn to behave (and they can) then so can a child, even one as young as 2. I just wish other parents would do their jobs. It would make mine that much easier.
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