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I am 18, Had a kid, got abandon by my family, and i now have nothing to live for. im alone and sad. im so tired of being alone.

I am 18, Had a kid, got abandon by my family, and i now have nothing to live for. im alone and sad. im so tired of being alone.

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Category: Secrets

Your not alone
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I wish I had a child....
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If you have a kid You Have Everything to live for . Your family will come around once they adjust and if they don't it would really be sad but you can make it on your own. You won't be alone for long but you have to love yourself first then others will follow. Hang in there kid you have a whole lot of living left to do . Good Luck to you .
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you make no sense. If you have a kid then you are NOT alone. You are selfish in thinking so as for having nothng to live for...HA! how about your baby?
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You have your child to live for! Some people are just toxic,seems like your family is. Rid yourself of toxic people in your life,focus on your baby and be happy! Your child is a gift. Be thankful for your beautiful gift! Be the mom that yours wasn't. I wish the best for you and yours!
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NOTHING to live for? You HAVE a child! ALONE? You HAVE a child! YOU and your CHILD are a family. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and begin giving your child a life of happy memories. Nothing can make you happy, if you aren't happy with yourself. Make it happen ~ for yourself and your child!
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Hey rah-rah parents on this site, she is 18. She might have a slightly different view than you guys and your "Oh, I love my kid so much, more than life itself, blah, blah blah." Try doing what you haven't done yet: commit yourself to school or more realistically, a career. Don't date a** ****s anymore. Whatever else you do, set limits for your kid. It will all work out.
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ur lucky, is that your child? you will never be alone girl
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^Just what this site needs, another wanna be shrink. Get back in the closet you faggot a** ****!
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^I don't think they sound like a shrink. I think that is some actual good sound advice.
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Sound advice??? People who come to this site for sound advice need to be put in a rubber room.
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I miscarried my baby last month ... And I came from an AWFUL background, too and my ex dumped me as soon as I was done having surgery to remove my dead baby. YOU HAVE EVERYTHING TO LIVE FOR.
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Wow. People who post response comments on this sight are incredibly insensitive and cruel. It makes me wonder what kind of horrible things they have been through in their life. Anyways, I had a baby at 18 too, but it changed me for the better and I think probably actually saved my life. I was a single mom for five years and things got better little by little. Keep your head up and life will improve. I promise.
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All of life is choices - the kind of life we lead depends on the choices we make. Why should your family be happy over a teenager who a baby out wedlock instead of going to college or starting a career? Do you expect a medal for what you did? Quit feeling sorry for yourself and figure out how to support yourself and your child. Good luck - you will need it.
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you ve just you have a kid dumby. next time ask him to use condoms first fatty
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^ignorant dumbasses who themselves have been abandoned, for excellent reasons.
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Your being selfish, you have your child to live for, get off your soap box and crying like a baby and relish in the fact that your a mom. Look at your child and say I have him to live for.
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^Jesus-jumper alert!
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Go to some support groups and talk to other young moms. Call your family they may be more forgiving then you think. Remember be careful what you wish for it may come true.You have a beautiful child to live for. Think if you did something to yourself who would be there for your child??
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^ good point, lol
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Thing will get easy as you get to use to your new child and life.
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You can keep deleting my comment because the truth hurts doesn't it! (The start of another welfare family.)
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You aren't alone... you have a strange blow up doll staring at you in your living room. It's trying to hide behind the curtains.
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i know it's hard, but hang in there. find groups, go to church-even if it means getting some you time for an hour, it's hard to only be around a child all day. take walks, go to the park, the fresh air will help. hang in there
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