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My dad molested me when I was a young boy.I wish that never happened.It put me on gaurd with him around my kids.It ruined my mother and made my life hell.FU dad

My dad molested me when I was a young boy.I wish that never happened.It put me on gaurd with him around my kids.It ruined my mother and made my life hell.FU dad

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I care and I get it. It happened to me too only it was my mother. It has been hell for me too but I am determined to heal from it. I get really pissed off too about it and I am justified in feeling that way and so are you. We need to be open and tell people this happens all the time so it WILL STOP. Join me in healing and stopping this abuse for good.
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NEVER EVER leave him alone with your children!!!
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How can you allow him to be a part of your life? Please keep your children away from him.I would NEVER EVER even speak to him much less have him in my home! He does NOT deserve any respect!
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you are a grown man with father needs a punch in the mouth as you show him the door, PERMANENTLY !!!
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Please for f*** sake, as someone who was molested by a family member that everyone knew was a molester, DONT LET HIM NEAR YOUR KIDS! Srsly! Wtf is wrong with you? Don't let him near them. Cut ties, file charges and get his ass taken care of. Your children will not be safe even with you keeping a close eye, trust me. A molester will find ways of getting past your vigilant guard.
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Did you ever confront him? I did with my step dad who abused me as a kid. Was healing to call him on it as an adult. He is scared of ME now. The cool part is karma. His life is pretty damn horrible now. He's an old broken down nasty old coot who is alone and pennyless. KARMA IS REAL.
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It would be hard to forgive someone for that and most of all a parent! BUT I would forgive and then stay away. I wouldn't let my kids near them either. People can change and maybe your father feels horrible about it too. Still, I would never let my kids near him!
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PLEASE don't let your kids be alone with him... Not even for one second! Why haven't you (or your mom) filed charges against him? Please try to forgive your dad for what he has done to you (although he doesn't deserve it) so that you can be free from the control his actions have had over you. And then, set some boundaries and keep your children away from him. Have you ever confronted him about what he did to you?
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Hello? He said he was "on gaurd" and never said he let his dad around his kids... way to jump to conclusions. The guy is obviously very aware his dad is an abuser and is not going to put his own kids what he went through.
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Hello to you^.Read his post again.He said, "It put me on guard with him AROUND my kids." The molester should not be allowed within a mile of any children!He should be in prison!
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I'm sorry this happened to you : ( forgive your dad, but please don't let him within a mile of your children.
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i wouldnt let him around my family.period!!!! f*** that bastard hope his dick falls off!
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Been there, makes you an angry person all the time and very untrusting of does make your life hell, until I gave my life to the Lord and actually forgave him, not for his healing purposes but for mine...will I ever trust him or forget? no never!!!....always wonder what type of person I would have been if that never happended...
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I wish he was in prison for life so the convicts could take care of him and rape him everyday. Damn him for doing this to you.You were a trusting child and know you did nothing nothing to deserve this horrible abuse.Get away from your dad and stay away. For God's sake, don't let your kids near him.But I would sure tell him how you feel and get it all off your chest. I believe in karma. Hope he gets a shitload of bad stuff to repay for such horrible actions. Selfish bastard.
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