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I love what I do, and I do it very well.  I am also paid well.  I absolutely loathe the the people for whom I work. Corporate politcs suck.

I love what I do, and I do it very well. I am also paid well. I absolutely loathe the the people for whom I work. Corporate politcs suck.

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Category: Secrets

What kind of job do you have?
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Amen brother,Amen.
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well, hookers get paid well, but they work for a bunch of pricks, too.
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Why? IT is awesome
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shut up, whiner
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UH OH! SpaghettiO's!
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So, your an I.T> guy, right? I have q question for you: Recently my computer was hacked, I'm trying to find a way that I can send a virus to the person that hacked my computer so it will completely fry their hard drive? My bf
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^My boyfriend and my brother said it was doable
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^They are VERY computer savvy.
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totals yo
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^One more thing I forgot to mention. He knows the ARTS of Cryptology and creating computer viruses. He just wanted me to tell you that. See, he is one of those geeky computer people that never sees the light of day. He likes to study anything and everything about the computer. He does not obtain a degree, HE TAUGHT HIMSELF EVERYTHING ALL BY HIMSELF. He can find out people's credit card numbers, emails, passwords, names, addresses, etc, etc. He usually doesn't do those things though because he is a law abiding citizen.
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I love my little brother, he is so awesome.
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