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I am ashamed to be human because I feel that humans are the most vile of animals.

I am ashamed to be human because I feel that humans are the most vile of animals.

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Category: Secrets

Observing a dung beatle roll shit is bad enough. But you have never watched a komodo dragon eat a slimy, rotten carcass that has been dead for weeks in the sun on a beach. When they take a bite, black, fleshy fluid oozes from their mouth. They look like they are enjoying and savoring every second of it. You need to experience life a little more before making assertions about the human race.
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I am the last poster...I love the picture
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^2 I'll bet those other animals don't kill for sport, for money, or for power. They don't rape other animals, they don't have wars. They don't destroy their own environment. They don't enslave millions, they don't commit genocide. They are not racists. They don't commit hate crimes Etc.....
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Considering how barbaric they are with limited intelligence, how bad would their conduct be if they could harness that barbaric power behind intelligence? Animals do not start wars? What about pack animals chasing prey? That is no different than a gang killing.No, it is not done for sport because in the wild survival is the most important aspect of life.Do you think if an animal species overpopulated would they destroy their environment? Yes, they would; they know no better. If a colony of red ants decended upon a colony hive of wasps, would one colony commit genocide upon the other? True, animals do not enslave millions of others species. They eat them instead. Animals are the biggests "racists". Do you see one wild species congregating their leisure with other species, or mating with them? It sounds like your public education has indoctrinated you into thinking in terms of philosophical relativity. It is your type of thinking, not the human race, in and of itself, that is destroying this planet. Do you think multiculturalism is good for society?I know you do. Take a look at Britian and what Prime Minister Cameron is saying what multiculturalism has done over there. You need to learn to think for yourself.
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^It's people like you that give humans a bad name. Watch glen beck much?
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It isn't people like myself who give humans a bad name. It is people like Muslim terrorists, Hitler, Kim Jung II, and other dictators who give humans a bad name. Not to mention people like you who place animals above human existence. I mean, here you are implying I give humans a bad name, and you are the one posting here and stating humans are below animals. With your kind of thinking you would throw a new born baby into the sea if you had to make a decision between sacrifcing a baby or a baby animal on your leaking life raft No, I do not listen to Beck. I do not listen to anyone who spews their hate. I confront them just as I have confronted you with yours. I am curious. How old are you?
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Excuse me, but I didn't say that humans were below animals, I said humans are animals. Perhaps we are more like a virus upon the earth. We do have some good qualities too, though. It's not all bad. I'm in a better mood now, can you tell?
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Of course we humans are a type of animal. I doubt we as humans are a virus upon the earth. It is our philosophical thinking that creates a type of virus. In our primal state I think people want to do what is right or good. I am glad to see your mood has changed. Hopefully it has something to do with what I have said. Life is hard enough without being angry. You never did tell me how old you are.
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Do you think that there are any unseen forces beyond human conception that are present and interact with human existence? I was born in the 1960's.
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Are you included in this shame you have? Lets start with you.. what are you doing about it besides b****ing?
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^No, I am ashamed of the sociopaths, psychopaths, serial killers, con artists, rapists, and let's not forget hypocritical politicians and our corporate controlled governments that pollute the earth, poison our water, start wars....can't you see the evil that is ingrained in our DNA as a species? We could be living in a Utopian paradise with the bounty that the earth provides. Instead we live in a man made trash heap.
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^^^Oh, stop it. There is nothing evil nor is it ingrained into our DNA. It is based on selfishness. Selfishness is based on human and primal survival.
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^What about sharing. Wasn't that a primeval survival instinct? I think you are wrong about selfishness being based on survival. Selfish behavior is about power and dominance, not survival.
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Um excuse parden me, but yes traits, habits, and patterns repeated over and over generationally can enter your DNA matrix.
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Hey, I know a lot of really good humans who are not that. What about them, lets see some positive. Like small towns, where people still smile and wave at each other and will help you and not kill you when you are stopped with a flat tire.. there is some good..It's sad the bad overrides it.
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^^^3 and 2^^ up: Yes, sharing was a primal instinct. That too, was based on selfishness. The individual shared with the group to ensure the group's survival. Thus, providing security for the individuals who contribute to the whole. 2 UP: Habits and traits do not get ingrained into our DNA. It is a learned behavior. It is called imprinting. That is learned behavior. Not a physiological one.
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In the wild animal kingdom the strongest and smartest survive and perpetuate their species through natural selection. Humankind is now at a point where natural selection will favor machines over humans. The machines will eventually destroy mankind. Hopefully, they will be more compassionate and less destructive than their human predecessors.
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Yes and an imprint can lead to obesity..which then becomes a genetric trait. Or specifically a gene for obesity. ^ Not if their made with human traits...sorry just thinking about battlestar. Although I do believe in the possibility of a soul in a machine. A machine comes from natural componets, hence from Nature in form. Therefore a viable vessel for soul consciousness.
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^Dr. Korby?(obscure Star Trek reference)
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^ Yes that was a good one. I'm not a man though no.
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^Are you an android?
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4 up, if the components of a machine is from nature and can therefore have a soul, then a rock comprising the same natural components can also have a soul. It is an inanimate object, which has no life. Sorry, your argument holds no water.
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A rock may not hold soul consciousness, and still be life. All life is intelligent, whether it is only nature consciousness or soul cosciousnes integrated with Nature consciousness. Possibility...of a soul making an agreement to experience life through a cybernetic human based on synthetic biology, could happen...maybe.
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And no I'm not an android....funny though
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2 up? Huh? A rock has life? It is an inanimate object. There is no life in minerals in and of themselves. That is like taking flour and calling it bread.It is only after components are mixed in specific ways does life begin.
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Right and radium is good in toothpaste, and there is no such thing as junk DNA, and the Earth is flat, and Bacteria are not intelligent and do not have a vocabulary. See ya on the flipside ; )
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^^ 1 up:Dogs don't have a vocabulary, but they have intelligence. So, what is your point?
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I was being facetious. All life has intelligence. One day science will catch up.
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