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I think those Westboro Baptist demonstrators should be beaten to a bloody pulp. What kind of 'christian' demonstrates at a vets funeral?  Fucking hypocrites.

I think those Westboro Baptist demonstrators should be beaten to a bloody pulp. What kind of 'christian' demonstrates at a vets funeral? Fucking hypocrites.

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Category: Secrets

Yeah. They need beaten badly. I am a liberal person politically, but...screw them! What about the bereaved rights to privacy?!! Open up a can of whoop ass on 'em!!
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protesting ANYONES funeral is disgusting :(
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Standing in church professing to be a christian, is no different than standing in your garage calling yourself a car
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Yeh, it will suck to be those Westboro Baptists when they stand before the Lord one day.
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If one of them dies I'll be an ass at their funeral.
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I deeply wish that their next demonstration is somewhat near me ....100 miles or and my pal Louisville Slugger WILL BE THERE !!!!
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Yeah the problem is they have not protested the right funeral, they will pull that sh!t somewhere and they will beat and killed and everyone should cheer
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5^ It was meant as, just because Westboro Baptist call themselves christians don't make it so. But it pretty much fits to most "christians". Hypocrites.
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Westboro Baptist people make me sick and that certainly isn't anything they learned from the Bible or actual Christian teaching. They will be held accountable for every word uttered from their mouths and I wouldn't want to be within a hundred miles when that lightning bolt strikes.
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They are the Christian version of the radical Muslims. They are also a glaring example of how every religious group thinks they have a lock on Truth. It is too bad there is no hell. Those people would desearve to be there.
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With decisions like this, do we really need a Senile err Supreme Court?
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remember the vietnam war
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remember the vietnam war how america turned against its soldiers?where are those protesters now.i dont see them at veteran day parades,same-o same-o.
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The stupid are easily amusedlol
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They are an example of Christians not behaving as Christians. We should love everyone, even if something they are doing goes against the good book, it's not up to us to judge them. And most of us Christians wonder why people are leaving the church........
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Westboro Baptists are not Christian -- that's an oxymoron! You will know them (Christians . . .and whether someone is or isn't one) by the fruits of their labors. You can't act the way they do and be Christian.
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This is why I gave up on organized religion a long time ago. So many so called Christian are some of the most hypocritical and messed up people I have ever meet. No thank you! I prefer just being spiritual and non judgmental. Peace!
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Look guys, I'm not a Westboro fan, but I gotta applaud their pluck and gotoitness. And all these christians denouncing them should really be thanking them. Westboro makes the rest of you look sane, just as all fundamentalist groups have done over the centuries.
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We should picket their church, funerals and homes. Isnt there a peace ordinance in all communities. There should be a peace or is it quiet ordinance at all funerals. They can protest anywhere else. There are otherways around the freedom of free speech without taking it away from people.
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Just because you "have a right" to do something... Does not mean u should do it when its RUDE
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Push the bundaries! Go Westboro! They are our last defense against Islamic domination.
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Assalam alaikum, Westboro.
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I'm a Christian and believe in God and Jesus and I can tell you that those people are NOT real Christians. A real Christian would never say such horrible things and a real Christian knows not to judge others lest ye be judged!These fanatic weirdos give others a bad name. Just like the crazies that bombed the twin towers and the whole taliban idiots.. not all Muslims are fanatic insane killing machines.
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^Ma'sha Allah, buddy. I'm getting together a Leviticus study group if you're interested.
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coming from a vet...Thank you so much :-) esp to the freedom riders as well you have no idea what it means to us
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and where would those protesters be now if it weren't for all the soldiers who have given their lives????
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They were supposed to be at the funeral here yesterday of a young, fallen vet. The Patriot Guard riders were here - and had been since the young man's body arrived on Wednesday. We really appreciate them. Didn't see any WBC'ers, but we actually took a slightly different route to the cemetery, so not sure if that was to avoid them or what.
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They have massive police protection. You can get to them but your immediately going down. They just protested a funeral in my town late last week. They make money by suing towns that arrest them for trampling on the flag etc. And they are all lawyers and do not lose cases.
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People need to be taught simple manners anymore. I don't give a shit if you do or don't agree with the war, if a person dies back the f*** off and let their family grieve. It's hard enough loosing a loved one without some inconsiderate a** ****s making it worse! You don't have to respect the position holds but you should respect the fact that have enough guts to do something that some of us don't.
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another example of man destroying religion. The meanest people I've ever met go to church every Sunday
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soooo,OP, beating them to a bloody pulp will make you feel better just as those that did the same to Jesus? you are just like them. i don't agree with them nor do i agree with you.
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Those westboros are homos.
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i don't believe it would help. they have a pretty messed up view of not only religion but what our country is all about. all we can do is feel sorry for them.
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I will keep science out of your religion, if you keep your religion out of my school
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Christian should be capitolized. and how is this an untold sectret? 99% believe it.
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"another example of man destroying religion" - Man created religion, let him destroy it too (please!)
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Tron Guy is the king of Hypocrisy.
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I believe in the Golden Rule,"DONT IMPOSE YOUR TRIP ON ANYONE ELSE'
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stupid bible thumber.look even ur head pedophile quit lol
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