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05/21/11 - I was secretly hoping it would happen. I'm not suicidal, just TIRED.

05/21/11 - I was secretly hoping it would happen. I'm not suicidal, just TIRED.

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Category: Secrets

Sad thing is... the rapture theology is based on bad exegesis to begin with.
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Sad thing is, people poured out their life savings, their retirement accts, sold their homes, etc. to contribute to that false prophet. What are they going to do now?
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Rapture concept is not based on bad exegesis. But, Jesus Himself said we will not know the date or time. Any time someone starts telling you when it's gonna happen, that's the time to turn and run from that individual.
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Those crackpots! Everyone knows the end of the world is 12/21/12!
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me too
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Some people even put their pets to sleep! What IDIOTS! It says right in the Bible that NO MAN SHALL KNOW THE TIME OR DAY! So these weirdos can guess all they want.. NO ONE will know when that day comes. If it happened I would have been fine with it.. I'm tired too!
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Right. The bible says no one will know the time or day. See, the men who wrote that in the bible did it so they could keep people in fear and to keep them from leaving the church. The bible and the god concept is a total farce.
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So I don't get it... why are the rapture believers the idiots but the bible believers are not idiots? OP _ I can relate and I don't even believe in the rapture or the bible. I am tired of living in a world full of mind controlled idots destroying the place! Oh well, it didn't happen so I guess we just keep trying to wake people up from their stupors.
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Me three.
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2up. The awaking of that stupor, if it had any effect at all, will last only until the next generation. Jehovah's Witnesses have been making those predictions from time to time for almost a century and morons still sell all their shit thinking the rapture is around the corner.
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The more ppl we wake up the better the next generations have of not being mind controlled. It does have an effect. I have seen it firsthand and fortunately when things like this go down there is a percentage of ppl who believed who then begin to wake up on their own questioning all the brainwashing put upon them. As long as I have to be on this planet, I intend to fight mind control as much as I can.
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Me too!
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I am with 1 and 2 up. You would think with all the technology and all there is to learn from the Information Age, people would be wiser. Until we learn to cut through the emotions, which most people think with rather than their intellect, mind control will be a problem for society.
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1^. Actually emotions are suppressed so much these days that this is why mind control is so prevelent. Almost everyone is on some sort of psychotropic drug these days to control emotions. They way to combat mind control is to think with the mind and the heart (emotions) combined. Most ppl don't think or feel at all anymore, they just robotically do what they see on tv or their neightbors doing but when tragedy strikes like in Japan, they keep on shopping, going to football and don't feel anything. Emotions are important and not to be removed, that is what provides us with empathy for fellow man but we must learn balance.
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^ ditto
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There will be NO rapture.The world WILL end, but by the hand of man.God gave up on us CENTURIES ago. Wake up people.
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3^ You're a smart cookie. 1^ The "world" isn't in any danger of ending, that's a cultural myth.
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4 up: It is not that the human emotions are suppressed. It is that they are devient. When we are left to our own devices we become something between living in the Old West, Nazi Germany, and Rawanda. Our society is on so many depressants because our society has pressured us to think that we "need" to consume and spend. We we do not live up to those standards we are led to believe we are something less than what is expected. The way to begin to stop this mind control nonsense is to stop throw away your television and quit reading tabloid and fasion magazines.
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If no one can predict the date or time, all we have to do is keep predicting that every day will be the time and then the world will nevr end.
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2^ actually your wrong. Pharmeceutical companies are mainlining the suppression of emotions by selling drugs geared toward mood stabilization when there is no verifiable evidence of "chemical imbalance" in the brain. Human emotions are not deviant at all when allowed to properly process and be expressed in appropriate ways. They can become deviant through extended suppression. And frankly the tv, tabloids too are put out to desensitize so that too is part of the suppression. You need to wake up lil more.
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1 up. When I said "to stop throw away your television", that was actually a typo I did not bother correcting, thinking others wouls see what I meant. I certainly meant that people should throw out their television. I got rid of mine 5 years ago. I absolutely disagree that the human mind is not deviant. People will do whatever is necessary to survive. Greed is an extension of it. God people call it sin. It is why Marx's communism never worked;he thought man was inherently good. In reality, man must be restrained by laws in order to keep from him and the society he is in from decending into complete anarchy. Your position that the hunman condition(emotion) is not diviant when allowed to be properly processed and expressed in appropriate ways is vague and ideaist at best.
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cond...I meant "idealist" in the last sentence.
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I am 1 and 2 up. Hey 3 up, go to YouTube and type in "Century of the Self, 1 of 4". After you watch that you will want to watch the other 3 videos.
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3^ "man must be restrained by laws" Not really. Humans lived without empires or nation states for a very very long time in cooperative style. I do agree though that man needs restraint, but this comes best from community. Laws are a poor stop-gap that fail as much as succeed at the intended goal.
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When in history did man live without empires?
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1 up. That is a good question to 2 up. Man has always been dominated by others. Even if it was men in tribes
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5^ man is inherintly animalistic however man can learn to be civilized and respectful of others in a supportive community. The laws you speak of meant to restrain deviant man and his deviant emotions are most often used to suppress some while others gain power. Those laws very rarely find justice. Most of the laws and judiciaries are corrupt. It all stems from suppression, of certain races of ppl, of emotions, of specific types of thinking. You are beginning to sound like a Freemason who's ultimate intentions are to decide who is superior over who and strap laws on those you deemed inferior. How is that not deviant? Your views are elitist and naive at best.
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My thinking is not elitists, nor would I even qualify as close to being so; whether in economic or social standing. The fact remains, which started this debate, and in which you later agreed is that the basic instinct of man is deviant and the only way to control those instincts is with laws. Since the beginning of time laws were made to help some and suppress others. That is not something in which I subscribe. It is what it is by means of societal pecking order of one hierarchy lording over the other. Hell, even the founding fathers wrote the constitution to benefit the male and the wealthy. Women and blacks could not vote and neither could anyone who did not own land. It is the same as the victors who get to write history. You get the last word here. It is obvious to anyone paying attention here that your philosophical positions have been relegated to symantics.
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The founding fathers were freemasons. And yes right, laws create suppression which in turn makes any emotion more volatile. Go ahead and keep arguing with me while your subconscious agrees with me. I said the basic instinct of man was "animalistic" not deviant. Animals ar by no means deviant, just trying to survive in a hostile world full of predators. Really the only way to control the instinct to survive is by communal survival - not supressive laws. Your right, I will have the last word when it comes to this topic while you hold desperately to your psuedo intellectualism.
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First you must understand intellectualism before you can define it. You fall far short of doing so. Don't take this as a spanking, but 39 founders signed the constitution. Thirteen were freemasons. That is 33%, son, and not a majority. You need to put away this debate. You are in over your head.
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To 1 and 2 up. I am 3 up. You are right about the majority of the founding fathers not being Masons. I looked it up. You are also right about the definitions of animalistic and deviant. Both have similar meaning from the Thesauraus. I yeild the winning pendant of this debate to you. Good job.
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So only 13 were masons... by the looks of our government today, who do you think had the majority of the power... the 13 or the rest? PLease get your head out of your mind controlled gov regulated education and wake up and look the f around you. Similar meanings does not mean they have the SAME meaning. In over my head? Pretty weak if you ask me, but I guess if you need laws to control the ppl you decide to be deviant then that would also imply some weakness within you but I digress...
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You are splitting hairs rather than admitting the flaws in the points of your arguement. If you want to exercise your libertarianism move to Somalia or Slab City.
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1^^ Move to Slab City. LOL
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Hey, don't be slamming Slab City. lol
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7^ Communal survival does not control the instinct of survival, it is a modification for species with longer gestation times. Start playing semantics and end misunderstanding the basics. Also the word you are looking for is oppressive, not suppressive. Laws grant privileges by creating oppressions, can't have one without the other.
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8^ And humans are not animalistic. Humans are animals. Animalistic is better used to describe organisms classified in other kingdoms that share traits with kingdom Animalia.
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