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Jealousy,envy,cruel intent are all results of a tortured soul trying to divert ones own pain/dislike of self upon another,blindly only creating their own wounds

Jealousy,envy,cruel intent are all results of a tortured soul trying to divert ones own pain/dislike of self upon another,blindly only creating their own wounds

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Category: Secrets

Along with the wounds of those you hurt.
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^I think the post already states this. when you purposely seek harm upon someone it cuts you and only scratches the one it was intended for.
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Not all but most people are evil. Foolishness, selfishness living destructive lives and they call it progress??
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1 up. youtube "Century of the Self". It is a four-part series. At least watch the first one. It gets better after that one. That is what society calls progress.
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Or, it's a whiny b**** that can't take being dumped
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^ I'm sorry your hurting may God bless you.
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Agreed. Ppl who are jealous and envious are so cut off and isolated within themselves that they have no capacity to see that we all have bad times as well as good times. They seem themselves as the only ones ever wronged or hurting. It's really a very self absorbed state of mind.
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I admit to being selfish and hurting others to make myself feel better. The other problem exists in that forgiveness is impossible to find. I hurt someone by something I said, but I misspoke and the comment appears worse than I had intended. This person has cut me off claiming what I said hurt too much even though I have forgiven them many times over for the pain they have caused me.
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I do not hold grudges because I realize everyone is fighting their own battle. Whether themselves or another trial we all carry a weight but it is never good to add the excess burden to either party.
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^to the person above, I wrote that confession and not the original poster
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And again.......this is a secret?
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Its not those who keep to themselves that tend to be jealous but just the opposite those who tend to hang in a crowed and talk mouth bashing anyone who's out of sight. Its those who instead of keeping to themselves are in the business of everyone else!
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^2 the world doesn't get this most have intelligence but lack wisdom
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That's why so many people hide behind the internet. Opinions are like a**holes; everybody has one. Look at all the opinions on this page alone. Anyone has the opportunity and freedom to be a critic but no one wants to take the credit.
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Not everyone chooses or desires to be a critic tear down others I strongly believe if you have to do that you should look deep inside yourself and you'll find you don't like yourself very much and instead of dealing with that you tear down others which only leads to more self dislike.
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true, i'm dealing with jealousy and it's awful. jealousy brings out the worst in me...thank you for those kind wise words...i'm trying
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5^ you are right about it being the people who hang in crowds. They typically hang with other jealous people who will validate their bullshit. Like my sister for instance. She and a few other relatives are jealous of my marriage and relationship with my husband. This got so bad, these three actually destroyed another family members marriage through gossip. These ppl are the lowest scum of the human race spreading their misery everywhere instead of owning their shit and getting themselves better.
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^ no matter what others my do no one can destroy a marriage or any relationship except the two who are in it, having that piece of paper called a marriage license doesn't make you have a marriage and not having that paper doesn't make you not have a marriage, a marriage comes from within. appearances are deceiving!! And what god has joined together no man can undo, they may separate but the bond between them will never break, instead it will continue to grow.
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^ you weren't there and you obviously have no idea and your religious cliche's don't support your argument any. Their marriage was pretty normal until the family members started getting involved and saying how the wife was abusive to the step son which never happened. The guys mother would invite his ex over all the time. They even tried to get me involved in it and I said no. This happened over about 5 years ultimately destroying the marriage. Outside influences can and often do screw with two people who love and are committed to eachother. It happens all of the time. This happened because they were jealous of the wife and the attention she was getting from her husband which was taking attention away from them.
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Then they allowed others to come between them at least one of the two did! If neither would allow the BS to come between them then it couldn't of no matter what anyone else did. You can't blame others for what you allow. With A solid foundation you may rock the boat but you'll never tip it. You can claim they had this or that but only god can see the heart and only where eyes can't see (behind closed doors) is where the truth lies. Each of us has a right to believe what we want but what we choose to believe won't change what the truth is. The truth can be very hard to accept sometimes and it may even crush us (only to better us) but accepting lies for truth will destroy emotionally, spiritually,mentally, physically and there is no escape but by gods hand alone.
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