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There are no atheists in fox holes and hospitals. The atheists on this board are deluded. But your repentance and salvation is being prayed for.

There are no atheists in fox holes and hospitals. The atheists on this board are deluded. But your repentance and salvation is being prayed for.

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Category: Secrets

aw gee thanks. i will also silently hope you smarten up one day.
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You are reading too many posters at Spencer's Gifts. There are atheists in foxholes. I served in Iraq and Afganistan. I can assure you I was not the only atheist over there.
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The funny thing is they BELIEVE there is no God...hahahah what a hypocrisy. They also BELEIVE a lot of other bullshit too.
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^ It's bullshit? Prove it! Where is your little God when babies die from starvation by the thousands? Your idiotic religious beliefs is why we are fighting 2 wars. How 'bout them God Blessed American bombs vaporizing all those innocent little babies all over the world? Praise the Lord and pass the ammo, Right? LOL What a bunch of sloughs you people are.
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1 up. Knock it off. This bombs are being dropped in Jesus' name. Amen. But not before they are blessed by those catholic priests and protestant pastors wearing the military uniform
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Say what you want about Jesus. But the truth is he was a homosexual. That is why is first desciple was named Peter.
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1 ^ LOL
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4^ Atheists create a narrow conception of God. They also have a poor understandering of politics.
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God could be many things, you all are too narrow minded. My church is nature. My deeds are connected to my returns. It could be karma for all you know, it is not for us to judge. We were given a basic guideline in the many religious books of many different religions, they are all very close and simular. If you can't get anything out of any of them, I guess we need a new king dumb version for you to read. Take the ideas, take the values, take the morals taught such as do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, and run with them. It is common sense. It is to create a loving, safe environment for all of us.
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For the commentor about the dead babies. Don'n you think they are in a better place than us? What we need to worry about is how we treat the animals, those entrusted to us to treat decently, and how that will affect our judgement. Eye for an eye you know. We cause animals to suffer uneccessarially by the millions everyday, all because it is cheaper to do that way. Our insurance companies sort of work the same way. Do you feel that is fair?
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---"There are no atheists in fox holes... " that statement is a lie.
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When I get to heaven, I'll be glad none of you idiots will be there
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Well, when I get to heaven, I'll be sorry for those of you idiots who didn't get a clue and turn your lives over to Christ. I would hate for you to miss out on glory for all eternity. :)
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^ Statements like that give me NO hope for the human race. Yes simpleton, you are obviously the one with a clue with the fairy tales.
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3 up. With a statement like that do you really think your little god will let you into his/ her heavenly Oz?
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2 up. Don't worry about it. Remember when P.T.Barnum said that there is a sucker born every minute. He must have been talking about religious people. Let it go. They have no idea how to live their lives without fear
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^Nope, he was just speaking generally. I love how atheists read and parrot Dawkins religiously. He's just a person with some ideas.
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Youre a Fucktard!
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2 up. Right. Dawkins is just a person with ideas. Just like the authors of the bible.
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^ Finally, some agreement.
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Christians do not straps bombs to themselves to blow up other people of a different beleif.Christians do not start wars. Remember 9-11-2001.Christians do not like it when babies starve. There are many Christian organizations feeding children voluntarily. How much money have you gave to continue their work?Where are all the atheist groups feeding the starving children? I have never heard of one. Most atheist want the government to feed the children so the work doesn't affect their selfish lifestyle.Warlords withhold food from innocent children not Christians.Christians believe in freedom not opression. Feel free to leave America and become a citizen of any country you like better.What Christian belief is contrary to a healthy properous life?Are atheist known for their unselfish volunter free labor lifestyle?Do atheist groups organize help to causes like Haiti? or other natural diasters?
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1 up. Oh, really? Let's discuss your message point by point. No, Christians do not strap on bombs. They are too fearful that suicide will keep them from heaven. Instead they support defence departments around the western civilizations by strapping in pilots and bombing cities with Napalm or atomic bombs such as Nagasaki, Heroshima, Drezden and North Vietnam. Christians do start wars such as The Gulf of Tonkin and Iraq. Yeah, I remember 9-11 I also know from a report just this week that the Pentagon practiced drills in NORAD of the possibility plains flying into buildings in America. Christians, along with every other religion do not like babies starving. But the U.S. does nothing, in support of Israel, to stave off the crisis in Palestine. There is also a group as large as the Red Cross called the Red Cresent the volunteers in the world to feed children. I, as an atheist, gave plenty of money to United Way through my employer. But i went a step further. I was a foster parent. Have you been, Christian? Your comment that non Christians do not feed the hungry is ridiculous. UNICEF is one of the largest non denominational organizations in the world feeding the poor.
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continued...Then there are Atheist pro-life organizations such as Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, Feminists for Life, Libertarians for Life, and Godless Prolifers. Incidently, America gives 1% of it's whole budget to governments around the world. How much of that do you think is given toward food? America also holds food aid to the starving in North Korea. How many Christians do not give to the starving so there lifestyles are not interrupted? You make it out like every-single- Christian gives to the poor. That is just stupid on your part. Atheists also believe in freedom. Christians are the oppressors. Remember when America was young? We held slaves, and women were not allowed to voted until the beginning of the 1900s. They were also required to stay home and cook for their husbands. I have no intention of leaving this country. It belongs to me just as mush as it does you. But be realistic. America is not the best country. In fact, all things considered it is ranked 9th in the World behind countries such as Norway, Sweden, Findland and Australia(from a recent Newsweek article). Sorry to disappoint you. Maybe you need to turn off your warmongering television news with its patriotic fervor and start reading books instead. What Christian belief is contray to a heathly, prosperous life? What Atheist belief is contray to a healthy, prosperous life? Furthermore, which human living does not want a healthy, prosperous life? It is human nature to want that.
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continued... If America is so righteous on the world stage-in many ways it is- why has it not resolved the Haiti Crisis as it has attempted in Iraq and Afganistan? It is because those starving black people have no oil. Why is the U.S still have bases all over Europe after 60 since World War 2 and 20 years since the Communist wall fell? Why is the U.S. punishing all the starving children in Cuba? Oh, I know, I almost forgot. Cuba embarrassed the U.S. 40 years ago and refuses to aloow American multinational corporations to set up their sweatshops down there as they have in Mexico, All over South America, Vietnam, and China.
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continued...Don't get me wrong, I love this country. But I am not going to put my head in the sand a pretend we run this country like some of the decent churches of your Christian belief. Our country is corrupt. Period. Just look at the recent bank bailout. 99% of that money went to banks. Remember your own bible verse: The love of money is the root of all evil. The bank bailout says it all about that verse in America. If the love of money is the root of all evil, and Capitalism is only about making money, then Capitalism is evil. Your bible says that Christian are in this world, but not part of this world. If that is true you have no business, as a religious person and a Christian, to be defending the U.S. Nothing is more contradictory to Christ's teachings than to have pastors and priests be enlisted in America's Armed Forces. Can you ever imagine Christ permitting his disciples to be members of the Roman Forces during his time? Your beliefs about Christianity and its place in American culture is twisted at best.
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continued... From a secular position lets look at the Christian American perspective of the Pentagon budget. The U.S. military budget is 800 BILLION EACH YEAR. The Russian budget is about 75 billion and the Chinese budget is about 85 billion. If we are such a Christian nation supposedly steeped in Christ's beliefs, why do you support our military in the first place? Christ went to the cross rather than fight Julius Ceasar.
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^ WOW! Way to go, whoever you are.
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1 Up. I do not deserve accolades. It is just that I get sick of hearing Christians talk about their Christian beliefs but don't back up their dogma with knowledge or, God forbid, sincerity.
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^ I agree. Most Christians believe in their faith when it is convienient to them. Just as they accuse non believers of doing. This Christian nation has had plenty of opportunities in the last 25 years to stop abortion and it is still here. If we were a Christian nation it should have been etched from our laws during the years of Reagan, the the two Bush presidents. All the Christians who professed their faith in office, including Congress and the Senate have played lip service to the unborn. Yet, those same Christians still support those elected officials at each election time as long as those Christian officials throw them a few scraps until the next election. If Christians actually were faithful according to scripture they would not even participate in those, ahem, worldly politics.
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Does anyone have a Rolaids?
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1 up. Those few posts above you are upsetting, aren't they?
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^ Yes they are. It was well said, too.
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1 ^. Someone's done their homework
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3^ Yes, it's so upsetting to see so much knowledge wasted in a series of longass blocks of text which almost no one will read. Hurt my eyes even thinking about it. If you're serious about sharing a message, please consider the task of condensing it.
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1 ^ Pal, if you can't even read such a short text, which had to be in blocks in order for the site to allow it to post, it illustrates that you probably have never finished one chapter in a book. The ones who will read it to completion are the ones I was talking to. People such as yourself would not even understand anyway.
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^Buddy, I'm next to certain that the ones you were talking to are not about to waste their time on your upchuck. Mark Twain once said, "I'd have written a shorter letter, but I didn't have the time." If you're serious about your message then make the time. Don't waste any more with your poor efforts to suppose anything about me.
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1 ^ Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "The mind, once expanded to another dimension, never returns to its original size." Take the time to read what was posted instead of feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps you will learn a few things.
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^ Don't get me wrong. The sentiment of your words is not what I find off-putting. It is the tone. As for expanding my mind, sorry but Gore Vidal already popped my cherry ;)
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1 up. Where there is action, there is reaction. All I did was respond to the attitude behind the original post.
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^ You can't hide your motivations behind the laws of thermodynamics. Your reaction is your choice.
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1 up. Read a bit broader. That is Asian philosophy too.
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OP here: all you've done, 3^, is prove my point. So many people here need prayer because you are lost and doomed. :/
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2^ Really? Now you think I'm not up on Mohism? Not only am I, but I've taught the Taoist Laws of Creation and Control to American schoolchildren. hahaha Seriously, dude, I've made full use of the fruits of globalization. Like I said, share the sentiments, dislike the attitude and format. No need to waste time preaching to the choir or reinforcing the atheist stereotype.
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There are no atheists in space...
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^ lol.
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That's not an atheist, that's a nihilist
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