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As much as my husband and I want a baby. I'm scared. I don't know why.

As much as my husband and I want a baby. I'm scared. I don't know why.

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Category: Secrets

Because the responsibility lasts 18 or more years and will cost you and your husband an average $250,000.00. Have fun.
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It's a beautiful thing. The fact that youre scared is you subconsiously afraid you won't be able to provide the best for your child and because of that fear, it proves you'll be an excellent mother. Congratulations
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Adopt. There are already way too many people on earth! Do you want to create life because life is so great you need to share or is it just because it is the culturally accepted thing for married people to do? Or, do you just want a pet? Make the right choice for you and remember the life you create will have the burden to bear. It helps if your rich, too, I guess.
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When my ex was pregnant with our baby i found i was nervous and scared all the time and then i found out it was twins so that feeling grew even more but was extremly excited and i saw the kids as the best gifts ever, i was nervous and scared about their future, if they would like me and how i hoped everyone would like themand how i just wanted them to be healthy and happy most of all. We had a miscarriage and i found out the biggest reason why i was scared and it was the worst feeling on earth. Oh and Alot of kids in the world go to bed everynight just wishing for a mommmy and daddy
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It could be that you know it's not a good idea. Don't just push that fear aside.
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I want a baby really bad to but I'm also scared. My boyfriend is wishy washy about the subject and I don't know what to think about it. I'm 25 years old and I'm not in a rush to get pregnant anytime soon, I want to wait until I turn 30. I'm just so afraid that if I get pregnant he will leave me because he says a lot of mean things about kids. He talks about how much he hates when they cry, he says babies are ugly, he makes fun of pregnant girls all the time. I'm confused and I hope that he doesn't save up his money and get a vasectomy. He talks about that a lot to and it hurts my feelings. You need to dig deep inside of yourself and figure out what is causing you to be afraid. Most of my girlfriends got knocked up at an early age and their boyfriends left them. Seeing all that happen makes me afraid.
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i think every couple who is gonna have a baby have some fears. Its natural, you've never had a child before. We all fear the unknown. You'll do fine... I got a bunch of books and read up on EVERYTHING i had a question about, and felt allot more confident once i had my questioned answered. You'll do FINE just research like anything else YOU dont know about!
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to the one with the wishy washy boyfriend...GIRL DITCH HIS ASS FAST..You deserve a real man. Not a child who makes "fun" of women.
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3^ Him getting a vasectomy would be a GOOD thing. What the hell are you thinking? Find someone that actually wants a family, if that's what you want.
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the one with the wishy washy boyfriend needs to THINK of the kids, if he DOESN'T want to be a parent.. YOU cant make him be a good one, and he SHOULD get a vasectomy, if he honestly NEVER wants children. Not a thing wrong with not wanting children (its a choice MORE should make). I knew I only wanted two children and had my tubes tied on the table of delivery with my second child. Children should NEVER be a accident. They are STRESSFUL and NEEDY they will NEVER save a relationship that is NOT stable and strong.
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Your husband is looking for a HOT
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You SHOULD be scared.
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Male with 8 year old son. It's been scary for 9 years. During Preg times, worried about wife. First year checking him every 30minutes that he was sleeping ok. Later on, waking him if he was too quiet. Still watching him and careful with him. It's very special, and a lot of work, and stress on relationship with wife. (lack of private time with each other) But on balance, nice. GET REST NOW, you'll need it. Always love your child, especially when things are rough. (take a 2 minute walk when they upset you too much)
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Afro on the nigglet will give it all away.
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