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I am happy 95% of the time and I have a hard time understanding why other people are so miserable.

I am happy 95% of the time and I have a hard time understanding why other people are so miserable.

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Have you actually experienced life? Or are you like four years old and still sheltered? Many people hurt for many reasons. The key is to become stronger because of them. So I hope that you are referring to that exact phenomenon which is so elusive to the majority...
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That second post is just awesome. I get asked at work all the time, "why are you so happy?" Hell, it beats the alternative. Good for YOU.
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My guess is that it must be a brain chemistry thing. Some people just always seem to see the dark side of things, and never look at the bigger picture. I feel sad for them, they must have tough lives.
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Happiness breeds complacency. Those of us who aren't happy aren't defective, we just see so much unrealized potential in the world. You should thank us; people who are unhappy, or at least discontent, are the only ones with any incentive to improve the world, and everything that makes you happy you owe to someone who wasn't.
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Me too. I just don't let shit get to me. ...and trust me, I have been through ALOT of shit in my life. It's just, I've come to realize that we are all here to live the experience. Nobody lives forever, so you might as well do the best with what ya got while ya got it!
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i felt this way for 23 years until i was hit by a drunk driver and sustained a brain injury, took two years to get some of that happiness back, then my GF was killed by a drunk driver. that was 11 years ago , i only have little glimpses of happiness, and she is my daughter. I miss those days of not understanding what depression and anxiety meant.
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Most of us don't have access to the type meds you do. Enyoy it while last. Remember, no matter, win, lose or draw you still die at the end.
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Some people are addicted to misery, stress, and suffering. They are, in short, addicted to DRAMA. If their lives become happy they will find something to ruin it, to add the missing drama, even if it means behaving self-destructively.
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The poster above is correct. Happiness is a choice we make every morning before we even get out of bed. I am happy every day but not clueless or a fool.
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I was very miserable when I was a kid, I went days with only one meal a day a very hard work and I never celebrated x-mas. Nothing can make sad anymore.I think that everybody else is just a whinning b****.
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"Happiness is a choice" is a remark made by ignorant people who don't understand that clinical depression is a disease caused by body chemistry. It's no different from diabetes. Remarks and attitudes like this are thoughtless and cruel beyond imagination. Please read something about this subject.
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I am happy all the time too and have difficulty being around or even trying to understand unhappy, miserable people. Bad things do happen to me but I do not dwell on them and remember all the things I am truly grateful for.
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Clinical depression IS a disease. But consider this: If some people have a chemical imbalance in their brains to bring out this depression why can't it swing the other way? I am happy 95% of the time too - I think it is because I have a chemical imbalance that pushes me the other direction. Being one of the happy shiny people.
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People are miserable because life is f***ing terrible. Go f*** yourself.
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You're only happy because you're retarded and ignorant to your own suffering.
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You are happy because you are selfish! You could care less about all the pain in the world, at least until it happens to you! What about all the poor animals being gassed? What about factory farming where for a profit, animals are crowded 8 deep in cages meant for one? What about all the homeless? What about the people who are hungry in our own country? What about children that are beaten and abused because their momma didn't beleive in abortion? Huh? Do you care that others hurt? Do you want to change anything for the better? Appearantly not. You are the type that pretends it doesn't exist. Living in a world with people like YOU is what depresses the thinking man.
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Cuz life sux for most, that's why!
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