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I always pee in the pool.

I always pee in the pool.

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Category: secrets

LOL No fresh asparagus makes your urine have a VERY distinct SMELL....
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not unlike the "coke piss"
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YOUR pee is sterile to YOU, and MY pee is sterile to ME, but YOUR pee is NOT sterile to ME. It's called a BIOHAZARD. Moron.
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I like to shit in the pool!
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^ I thought I saw that once, but it was just a Baby Ruth candy bar floating around.
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I pee in the soup.....suckas
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There is a dye that can be added to a pool that will show if someone is peeing when they do it. Don't pee in my pool.
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In Nam, we washed our feet in our urine because it killed bacteria. When you spend days with your feet in wetlands, you can develope fungus on your feet very quickly.
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actually theres not a chemical that turns ur pee different colors in the pool it was tested on ripleys believe it or not!!!
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I pee in pool as well.
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