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I was so angry at you for telling me to abort it.  Then I had the miscarrage two months later. Now I wish I had aborted him. Then I wouldn't have so much pain.

I was so angry at you for telling me to abort it. Then I had the miscarrage two months later. Now I wish I had aborted him. Then I wouldn't have so much pain.

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Category: secrets

it would still hurt
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Actually, you would have more pain knowing that it was your choice. I too am sorry for your loss.
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No be glad you didn't deliberately abort your child. Instead of blaming a cruel circumstance beyond your control youd have only yourself to blame for losing your child.
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As above, I have to agree. You would potentially be in even more pain had you aborted the baby against your wishes, and would always be thinking "What if..?" As things are now, you know that nature dictated that it just wasn't to be. Surely, of the two pains, the one you have is preferable? I feel for you, my friend.
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It only hurts because it was so right for you. Don't blame and what if because you made the right choice, you feel that in your heart. If you hurt now, you would have never been able to intentionally do that to yourself. I've been there and am there now, be strong...
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Abortion would have been much worse because not only would you have lost the baby anyway, you would have had to live with the knowledge that you killed it. The guilt would have been overwhelming.
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I begged my unwed daughter to abort.I even offer to pay for it. She refused. My grandson is my greatest joy and I love him so much.For years every time I look at him I am reminded how close I came to the biggest mistake of OUR life.
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There is no worse Bad Karma than killing your own child.
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