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How do I tell you I think you are so stupid and Need to leave the man you are with because you are not getting anything you want out of the relationship?!?!!

How do I tell you I think you are so stupid and Need to leave the man you are with because you are not getting anything you want out of the relationship?!?!!

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Category: secrets

i have the same problem...with my best friends wife
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Easy..Take your question..replace 'so stupid' with 'in denial'. If that does not work..put 'so stupid' back in. If they still don't get it...your f***ed and so are they.
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you tell her by bumping into her (literally) but make sure you have a RAGING boner!
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She/He already knows but what they gets is enough for now. The only way to help is to be there if it matters to you.
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Be a friend.Be honest.Tell her!
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You tell her the same exact thing as your post, but replace "stupid" with "unhappy." Sadly, most people in her situation know their complicity is stupid but stay all the same because they do not value themselves. So a relationship where they are not valued makes perfect sense to them. A relationship where they were accountable for their own happiness would scare them shitless.
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How is that any of your business? Mind your own business!!
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It my younger years I complained many times to my girlfriends about shitty boyfriends and one good friend spoke up to me privately and said just that, "Hey, I love you and all...but I can't listen to your stupidy, leave him if he's so terrible, he's not hurting're letting him." Not everyone has to be a YES Man (or girl) to be a good friend.
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Sometimes the truth hurts -- if you're 100% sure your friend isn't happy, then be a good friend & let him/her know! Some ppl become blind to their unhappiness and/or don't realize that others can tell. Always offer a shoulder to cry on. Real friends like this are hard to come by. Good luck to you!
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If she don't learn, then don't help her...she gets what she deserves.
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