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when You make fun of fat people, it hurts so deeply that my scars will never heal. Please stop!!

when You make fun of fat people, it hurts so deeply that my scars will never heal. Please stop!!

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Category: secrets

Amen. Why do we put up with this? So very many of us actually find fuller figures attractive, yet keep quiet, and leave the mean haters to speak for everyone. I love rounded women, the pic you chose looks like what my imagination dreams up as wonderful. Before anyone makes a clever comment making fun of my position, think about this: If you said (pick a race) suck, or (pick a disability) is gross, or (short, tall, intellectually challenged) people make me sick,you would expose yourself to possible criminal prosecution. Be nice to one another, people, is that asking too much?
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Everyone deserves a basic human respect. Sure, most fat people can lose weight. But realize it's about as easy as alcoholics giving up booze, or people giving up unhealthy or dissatisfying relationships, fetishes or personal habits they've cultivated over a lifetime. We ALL have weaknesses. Some have visible outcomes, others can go unseen by the general public. But no one escapes. OK, even if overweight people are gluttons (not typically the case)...what about the other 6 sins? Do we scream at supermodels for their vanity? Do we rant at how sick we are of NBA players or celebrities for their greed or pride? Oh, and what about lust, what about ANGER????
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In Gods eyes you are just as bad for condeming and judging them! as you foolishly think God made you better because you are not obese, so its ok for you to judge, Wrong!
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i dont need to make fun of fat people, the problems that stem from obesity like heart disease and diabetes is karma evening things out.
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People who make fun of obese people will be sorry one day. Karma will guarantee it.
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Some obese people don't have control over what their body does. I know someone with a hormone imbalance that is overweight. He has tried for years to lose weight. He exercises daily (I usually go with him to the gym) and yet, all he does is put on muscle. He doesn't ever lose the flab.
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i was an obese person for 45 years and NOW finally *in this life time even* LOL i've become an *average sized person*..woo hoo hooo And it just KILLS me when people talk about *fat people* to me. it still cuts me to the quick. and when i defencive ,people get VERY upset with me. (since i've concured the problem) they THINK i should feel like THEM about it now!! And when i point out *hey wait a minute, I'm a *fatgirl*. I always get "NOT any more YOUR not"or you were NEVER that big, they dont get it AT ALL. (once a fat girl, always a fat girl) doesn't matter HOW much YOU weigh. lol
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Well the same thing goes for skinny people. I was VERY skinny in high school and bigger people would come up to me and say things like "God, dont you ever eat?" and things like that. Well what gives them the right to say that to me and me not say something back? I tried for years to put on weight and never could. It sounds like the same problem. Just emember, If you dont have something nice to say, then say nothing at all...
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The humane race is very cruel, the older I get the more it astounds me. Why didn’t god just make us all cannibals and be done with it.
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Most over weight people suffer from depression. I know for I have suddenly put on 45 pounds and I am too old to be pregnant.
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Obesity is such an obvious disorder that people don't really know how to react. I found that typically, the obese are ones with no will power and tend to use food to run away from their problems. Learn how to deal with society and the rest will follow.
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I'm fat and happy! To be politically correct, you can only make fun of fat people and christians. The only two things left that won't land you in court. Why do the words "fat" and "ugly" end up in the same sentence? You can't be fat and good lookin? Or skinny and ugly?
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I agree completly with the last poster. Why does that always happen.....fat and ugly in the same sentece. I am fat or medical term would be morbidly obese, BUT I am actually hot and sexy.....believe it or not, but I am :)
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i still bear the scars from this type of abuse and I am 48 years old
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wow......I couldn't have said it better. The funny part is that while he types his crap he is probably overindulging in alcohol or weed. While some peoples way of dealing with emotions is to eat using food as their drug of choice, his is probably a true drug. what a jerk
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