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I recently heard about the infamous date of 12/12/2012 & now find myself wondering if the decisions/investments I make now will matter..I know..its crazy

I recently heard about the infamous date of 12/12/2012 & now find myself wondering if the decisions/investments I make now will matter..I know..its crazy

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Category: secrets

People have been predicting the end of the world from time immemorial. Ignore them.
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On that date the earth will be in alignment with the center of the milky way. Guess what? NOT A DAMN THING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. This happens every few thousand years and not a damn thing happened and not a damn thing is going to happen now.
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they wont matter, but not because of 12/12/12. they wont matter because of Peak Oil, and a generation of spoiled irresponsible poeple known as the baby boomers.
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Didn't they say the same nonsense for Y2K? I'll probably be working when the clock strikes 12 and I'll wake up in the morning and make breakfast. Life goes on
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I bet you were one of the geniuses that stockpiled water and duct tape, and sat in your basement crying with a tinfoil hat on, waiting for y2k to implode the earth.
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Lol no..actually for Y2k I just assumed scientists weren't that stupid. The 2012 thing sounds like it would be out of everyone's control. Nothing will probably happen but...wouldn't that b weird if it did?
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It IS going to happen. Any culture around the world that attempted to look into the future has come up with this date: December 21st, 2012. The mayans, certain native american tribes, the chinese i-ching oracle has seen it, among many other cultures. There is a movie on google video called The 2012 Enigma by david wilcock. watch it!
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They also worshipped the sun - and beleived in 4 gods who held up the sky. They were good in math, but dont lose any sleep over their beliefs
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I saw it on the history channel
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The Mayans thought the sun needed human blood to keep working and they couldn't figure out the wheel. I wouldn't sweat it too much.
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I'll take care of your pets for a one time $10.00 fee.
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You're not crazy if it's all real. If nothing happens during the alignment and it's just another day in time why do all the religions and native Indians have so much written about it? Great change follows great disasters. The reversal of the poles will bring catastrophic disaster and change and that is what happens at the time of the alignment. Science can drill into rock outcrops that were around at the time of the last galactic alignments and can see the reversal of the poles. North becomes south and anything that uses that magnetic pull will fail. Birds won't migrate to the right places and nothing electronic will probably work anywhere on the planet. As far as the Mayans, it wasn't a belief they held it was what they knew because they were there when it happened and recorded it. These aren't fables they are fact written in stone that science can now read like an open book. We are living in what is quite possibly the last days of human kind on this planet. Science agrees we are well into the 5th. great extinction. More species have gone extinct in the last few hundred years as all of history before the modern age. Don't be so confident in our ability to survive. We are no more or no less than any other animal alive and we will go extinct in time.
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Ok, it's the end of the world, AGAIN. f***ing get it over with already.
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I'm happy about it. I'll be 50. That's long enough around here and I won't mind missing out on what I'm seeing my mother go through right now. Bring it on. I do feel bad for my children and grandchildren though. But for me, I'm having the time of my life and living like the world is going to end.
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It's just a bunch of f***ing numbers!
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Those who believe something will happen on these dates are f***tards!!
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Isn't it 12/21/2012? Anyways I can wait 9 more days :)
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It's an excuse to live a self destructive lifestyle. It's just an ancient super-calender, and just like our little annual one, it starts over again the next day.
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People who believe the world is going to end in 2012 are seriously f_cking MORONIC!! Do us ALL a favor and put a gun to your head NOW and just let the rest of us that enjoy living and that aren't fear mongers live in f_cking peace!!
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First off, this only happens about once every 25,000 years, not every couple of thousand years and it happens on the Winter Soltace, which is December 21, not December 12. Other interesting facts are other religions speak of it without prior knowledge of the Myans. Other interesting facts are that historical events are occuring over the last century that appear to coincide with predictions by Nostradamus and others. On Dec 21, 2012, our solar system will be at the exact center of our galixy, the Milky Way. Astronomers are concerned that the physics of gravitational force with cause the mantle of the earth (Which rides on a molton center) to shift causing a phase shift of the earth's magnetic poles. It's a fact of science that the earths magnetic poles have shifted in the past. Of course there have been predicitions in the past, but this is the only one that appears to be supported by several predicitions and recent historical data.
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This is why i dont return my library books
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It's worth celebrating. Finally all the mean people will be gone. No longer will stupid humans be able to cause unneccessary pain.
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I'm going for a shift in consciousness. Then I'll have this pin hole life to use for a base point for the next several thousand years! Great!
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I say we all go out and get laid on the night December 20, 2012. At least this way, we can all go out with a bang. Bada-Boom-Bada-Bing !!
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I am sad to announce that, some of my predictions or premonitions have come true, Sept 2011 Labor Day weekend travel to NY to be with my family Dad was not doing well as time went on, sat out side and talked to one of my Nephews and told him I had this strong sense of forboding like a heaviness in my chest for several months, and I talked of the numbers of Un-vetted(meaning in intelligence terms verified as friendly) foreigners being with out control or quotas let into the country, I actually told him 'I HAVE A GREAT FEAR FOR THIS COUNTRY IN MY HEART, WE NEED TO BE WARY, I said something is going to happen, I said the feeling was all consuming! Did I hear voices telling what was up, did i see visions NO just a heavy feeling, sure enough 10 days later 9/11 attacks happened, the other prediction and premonition i had was when I was in military doing a secret job in a commander of Stuttgart germany's basement during a dinner with foreign dignataries and foreign military persons, we had lots of time to talk about stuff, I don't know why this was like october or november 1991 I told my intelligence team, "mark this day as the day I told you, ONE DAY WATER WILL BECOME THE NEXT OIL or words to that effect! part 2 coming next
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Part 2 I said water would be the next commodity that people will try to corner owning or conflicts will break out....It is now(2011) (JUST)2012 and they are already telling us CLEAN water is running out.....T. Boone Pickens and oil man has bought all of the mineral rights under the panhandle of oklahoma and has bought hundreds of thousands of acres of land and the mineral rights in the north part of texas, He has been having scientists and geologist and experts look for water tables and they discovered a vast water table that covers the panhandle of Ok and the north part of texas and he owns it, all the water under there is T. Boone Pickens why would an oil baron want all that water? part 3 next
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part 3) It is not so much the actual end of the world, but It is true that there have been larger than normal solar flares on the sun these explosions threw radiation thousands of miles out into space from the suns surface, these solar winds as they are called are actually predicted to hit the eath's atomosphere in 2012, they are predicted to be the strongest solar radiation storm ever, they do not know if the earths atomosphere can deflect enough of the electormagnetic rays and radiation, They are predicting that the weak infrastructure of our national electric grid will have areas of massive brown outs and large black outs, due to electonics computers switches being burned out from the intense electrical storm! BTW it only takes a finger spark of static electricity to burn out a integrated circuit or chip, which would stop that electronic item form working! Part 4 next
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part 4) It is like the electromagenetic pulse weapon(EMP)everyone is rushing to perfect, EMP weapon which is designnd not to kill people but to destroy all electronic communications and electronic devices, cars, tv' radio. computer controled electic systems,no cell phones not ipods, no ipads, no internet, anything electrical or electronic will be fired so the chance for massive chaos is pretty high, is the world gonna explode NO, butyou already see what happens when society does not stop rioting and looting like in london and france, middle east riots governments torn down!What is feared is the break down of civilized society like you saw in the middle east, and France and England they were not protesting and rioting for anything exceptr free handouts and when they were cut back they decided to take from the people, looted businesses destroyed property, raped and beat people!! I used to be the one saying ARMAGEDDON is just a myth.... hell I am even rethinking that! Maybe we are entering into armageddon?I actually saw the program on NatGEo about the reversal of poles some eons ago, which may be the answer to extinction of dino's and not the meterorite theory. Did any one know that after one of the huge earth quakes a few years ago the earth actuall shifted slightly out of it's normal axis.
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part 5)Oh by the way trust the elite politician's and rich leaders of the world to let you know when that meteorite we do have one they are saying o don't wory it is 250,000 miles away from us(in space terms that is a fender bender!)is gonna hit the earth, can you imagine US 320,000,000 people jammed on the highways trying to get away from the oceans and away from predicted landfall.......Remember how paralyzed New Orleans was multiply that tens 1000.part 6 and the final entry
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Part5 the END)The end of the earth maybe maybe not, bPart5ut possibly exists for major break down of law and order and those people that did not, prepare or want waht you've got maybe that new car, or that new tv, or those gold and diamonds you are wearing they are going to be looting and committing home invasions and car jackings, etc, they are going to take waht they want and the cops are gonna be so over whelmed there will be no help, so all you anti gun folks make friends with a patriot gun owner before it is too late, maybe they will protect you and your family!Will the world explode ro will we all wake up the next day and say wheeeew we dodged a bullet... maybe it will make us all chnage, I am not a tree hugger but I am changing my impact on this earth we cannot keep polluting the earth Dumb asses if we keep it up we are all guilty of suicide!Ok I am done, I never believed there would be such a feeling in my chest again i feel that same foreboding I had and premonition before 9/11 so take heed people make peace with your diety or god or allah. I for one stock up on dry goods and meat and will be buying generator and fuel and solar power items this year! Pray like there is no tomorrow!!!
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