Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I'm lying about being allergic to latex and taking the pill. I'm hoping you will get me pregnant.

I'm lying about being allergic to latex and taking the pill. I'm hoping you will get me pregnant.

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Category: secrets

not right.
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sweetheart, please take the pill. This is very mean to the guy...
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What a b****!
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Oh really? Then what?
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~~ wow, hey look fellas its a real keeper! do you think your mentally stable enough to raise a child? ~~
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why? so you can pass your idiot genes onto the next generation??
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shame on you, b****es like you give use all a bad name. I feel for that poor guy.
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Among all the self-esteemed starved, desparate women who have posted secrets of their shame for what they have been forced to do for the survival of those they love,we are blessed with this gem of a posting. Poster, i have defended so many unfortunate women on this site, but you are the first who I truly need to call a f***ing whore. Let's pray some complication which leaves you barren and hideously undesirable will protect any life you might have a possibility to create and destroy.
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Word. Some of those condoms are kind of trippy. Where can I get those ones at? 8)
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Let me guess, you're just dying to "trap" him? LOL, the real joke will be when he abandons you both...BOO HOO
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Why not just be honest. Do you really want your child to be conceived under false pretenses? What a slut. you are the kind of b**** that needs to be f***ed in the butt and then have a shitty penis rubbed between your titties, also known as a dirty sanchez. but then again you will probably get off on that.
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Work on your self-esteem and get help.You are giving yourself, your possibly unborn child a bad start.
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Aren't there condoms out there for people who are allergic to latex?
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you need to be killed
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Please don't let another child be conceived out of selfishness and lies....the world is already too full of people who aren't wanted by one or both parents.
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drop dead
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then when you become a single mommy you can blame him for being an asshole. Stupid twat
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that is why I got snipped at just want a kid and a check.
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If you cant be honest with him, he is not worth your need to move on and get pregnant by someone who will be there for you.
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What a skank b**** ! I hope he knows a girl like me, so when he finds out what you are doing, you get your teeth knocked down your f***ing throat. Cunt.
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Just what we need, another bastard whelp and a classy broad with an access card
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My sister-in-law did the same thing you did. Now, she's living with her parents, still married to the guy, but he's far away, not paying child support, he won't help pay for the $1500 divorce, and now she's pregnant with another guy's baby who has children by two other women. Do you really want that to happen to you? You will be alone, have no fun, and struggle for the rest of your life. It's your choice...
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the comments concerning this pathetic person make me feel better about my fellow man
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hahahahah your a 17 years old stuck up b**** who trying to trick people into your trap that's f***ed up lady
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dumb b****... you will make yourself and your child miserable... find someone who wants to be a father... better for the kid.
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f*** you cunt.
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wow people really don't like you much
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So are you going to live on welfare to support this child you are trying to have with a man that might just turn his back on you when you are pregnant?
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you suck
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Not fair to your baby to have a dad that resents you or it. Too many men want a wife and baby, find one.
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Your behavior indicates that you're going to be one heckuva mom.
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Manipulative b****es like you don't deserve to have kids. Or boyfriends.
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HAHA you are such a sleeze ball. My boyfriends baby momma did that to him when she felt him distancing himself from her. HE WILL LEAVE YOU. Creating a baby to trap a man is f***ed up.
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Think about the child. These people are right, he will resent you and the baby. The child has his/her whole life to wonder what's wrong with them and why daddy doesn't love them. That's a lot of days, a lot of missed hugs, a lot of sadness and heartbreak for a child.
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Dirty douche bag cunt whore slut
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