Places for help:
If you cant go on:
Ben, it wasn't your time.
<br/>l am glad I had a chance to know you.
<br/>God Bless.

Ben, it wasn't your time.
l am glad I had a chance to know you.
God Bless.

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Category: secrets

My two best friends died way too soon. One at 44 and the other at 51. I'm 62 and I still think of them everyday. I completely understand how you feel.
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Apparently it WAS his time .... although we humans have expectations that are not always met. Some people die at 105yrs and others at 1yr. This is the world. These people bless us with their presence and we learn something new. Peace.
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"There is a time to every purpose under heaven"
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^^ No God? Boy, are you in for a shock when your turn to find out comes 'round.No one knows why things happen as they do. Everyone's time is their own, till they are not of this world anymore. Sorry for your loss.
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Yes, there IS a God.
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you never hear that kind of talk in a fox hole you have very limited life experience and comments like that prove it. what will you say at the end of your life? your opinion is worthless.
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I had a friend named Ben that died way too young too, and I was happy I got to know him. God Bless them all. BTW, you people are sick for bringing your atheist crap into a post about someone wishing a blessing on his departed friend.
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This is a great tribute to your friend Ben.He must have been a great guy.Remembering someone after they pass,,,,whether old or young,,,,is the greatest tribute, Don't let his memory die.
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Did Ben's last name start with a "B" ?
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