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U want to buy me a ring. We went shopping. I was so excited I started to tell friends. UR mad now because you didnt want everyone to know.Im not excited anymore

U want to buy me a ring. We went shopping. I was so excited I started to tell friends. UR mad now because you didnt want everyone to know.Im not excited anymore

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Category: secrets

You had a right to be excited, and a right to be concerned that your fiance didn't seem to share your enthusiasm or excitement. I'm sorry this hurt your feelings, but glad you see what could be a manipulative personality, early on. Please be careful and don't rush ahead too fast with this person.
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she had a right to be excited, but maybe the fiance wants to keep things down until they can decide how to tell people together. not having his lady chirp like a bird at everyone
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Men like shit on the DL dont throw us under the bus
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Why don't you just talk to him about it? Sometimes guys have very valid reasons (in their minds) for things that seem insenitive to women. There could be a very sweet, romantic reason for his behavior...don't assume he is suddenly not marriage material before you at least give him a chance to share his reasons with you.
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Maybe it was kinda like riding a until your friends see ya on it.
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*OP* It made me feel like I got punished for being extreamly excited. After talking, he said he felt pressured and that is the last thing I want so I told him to back off on buying a ring. I had asked me to tell me next time if he dosnt want me to talk about things to my friends so this wont happen again. He got so angry at me because I am still upset about how he came at me with his anger and now he is saying he isnt going to buy me a ring now. Talk about feeling like complete crap! Its almost like I cant show any emotions towards him - happy or sad. So I come here now.
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Maybe, you should have come here first sense his buying you a ring was suppose to be a secret. What part of this is a secret? Sounds like you both have some issues to work out. Dover.
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he's a jerk,dump him
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If you cant show your emotions then why be with him? A relationship is a whole mixture of emotions that need to be expressed. So what are you going to do for the rest of our life? Just be a monotone robot? Come on girl, dont just settle for the first guy to pop the question, go out and have fun and meet new people. Im assuming you are a young girl, 19, 20? You have a lot of life to live and a lot of men to meet... Go out and have the time of your life without him!
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He still wants his options open till the actual wedding, if there is ever one coming up. There is a neighbor chick or a grocery store clerk he has his eye on possibly.
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I side with the guy...I think, at least in the interm, until the "couple" decides to make a formal announcement that it be kept private until such time. But geeze...the dude didn't even buy the freakin ring yet and the woman turned it into public knowledge....I think thats disrespectful of your relationship and selfishness on the womans part. It doesn't have to be a secret indefinately, but at least let him buy the ring and you both make a decision as a couple of when your going to make an announcement.
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