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I Hate the way my family acts and have no regrets about being on no speaking terms...but sometimes I miss them, I dont think they feel the same way.

I Hate the way my family acts and have no regrets about being on no speaking terms...but sometimes I miss them, I dont think they feel the same way.

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Category: secrets

They miss you. All families have their problems because of the closeness all the time. They are thinking the same thing, trust me. But remember, people are not perfect , and way too often families are quick to judge the imperfections. Love them and dont judge them.
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Me too. My family is the same way.
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Maybe you can be the one to break the tension and tell them you miss them and love them. If they are still happy to be distant then you did your part and go on with your life feeling good that you tried.
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My sister feels pretty much the same way, but we do miss her...she's 45 now and time's just ticking away.
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Wow, this hits home.
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Every time I think I'm missing my so-called "family," I remember how shitty they've treated me over the years. Works every time. Boy, am I glad I'm not involved with any of them anymore!
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YES they Do ! Call them and you will see.
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Wow,I have spoken to my family members in over 4 years since mom died. They argued over money, the one thing she was so free with and told everyone "never fight over the money".Somehow, I really don't miss them all that much. Don't know or care much what they feel about me. If they hold a grudge, they are holding the entire weight of it.
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