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I hate your kids.  You bring them out in public and let them run wild, scream, etc.   Someone should yank your sex organs out through your throat!!!

I hate your kids. You bring them out in public and let them run wild, scream, etc. Someone should yank your sex organs out through your throat!!!

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Category: secrets

I laughed when they put the kids on ritalin. It's not the kid's fault. The parents let those kids have too much power over them. Wait until they are teens. And momma, that dream you had of the worst one ending up in jail. I think it is more than just a dream. Premonitions may be a gift or a curse.
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Why hate the kids? its not their fault you were the sperm donor
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Too many kids in our world are just like this nowadays. It's the parents fault. I'll hold them... you yank their sex organs out.
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They are kids, why do we as parents have to hold them to YOUR standards? because they aren't sitting quietly acting like an adult you hate them?? I don't get this mentality of hating children. Without children you would learn nothing. Children raise the world. They are the mirror in which you reflect your own self hate. ;) PEACE LOVE and LIGHT
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I'm a preschool teacher, and I understand kids will have their crazy moments. However, nowadays so many parents let their children rule the relationship. When I was young, and I am only 29, I would have NEVER behaved the way kids behave today, because I learned from the very beginning that it was not acceptable. period.
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As annoying as some kids can be, don't hate the kids. Hate the morons who don't know how to be parents and/or respectful to others.
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To the granola-enema that says "children raise the world"... you're probably the one whose kids act the worst in public. I have the satisfaction that they will choose your nursing home...
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What is it exactly that the kids are doing? Being loud? Crying? I am positive that the parent do act, but just aren't sure which measures to take, as we might offend someone if we decided the appropriate punishment was to slap my kids ass?1 Now you would complain about that too right? And yes children are the ones who raise the parents, not the other way around, Have some tolerance and patience. See it from all side, kids and parents, don't judge them or HATE anyone. PEACE from the "gronola-enema"lol
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Oh yeah one more thing,Be positive that the kids you are hating at the time aren't ALWAYS acting that way, sometimes they are having that type of day, you know like you do? How you have good and bad days, social and none social days....Love people, LOVE
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Dagos mom can takes alot of abuse from people for this very reason...
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If you can't behave, you don't belong in public, 'nuff said. Your punishment for being bad and ineffective parents is to stay at home and listen to 'em scream in private. And to be clear, there is a difference between discipline and abuse. You don't need a dictionary to know that, granola!
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I agree, if dogs have to be on leashes and wear muzzles if they bite or bark so should unruly loud annoying children. And "granola enema", I'm sure your kid is the loudest dirtiest brat in the grocery store. Keep them away from me!
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Maybe some of these children have some kind of special needs? DOnt be so quick to judge !
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Any kid who misbehaves in public has special needs, alright... like parents who set boundaries... it's pretty easy to tell the difference between a mentally challenged child and THE BAD SEED...
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