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You favor my brother and treat me like a leper. I hate you and the b**** you married after mom. I wish she had died months ago. I will dance on both your graves

You favor my brother and treat me like a leper. I hate you and the b**** you married after mom. I wish she had died months ago. I will dance on both your graves

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Category: secrets

My parents have done the same to me my entire life. Now we do not speak @ all- they can go to my brother if they need anything. I could care less about them........
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Wow, I'm sorry this is happening to you. May dad was a bastard but he treated us all (7) the same - badly. He's gone, I don't hate him anymore. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young -"Teach Your Children" may help you get past this. They are not purposeful, just ignorant, not your fault. Be better than them and give your children an example to live by when the time comes. God bless you child and give you a better life to come.
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