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I am harder on one of my step daughters than I am my other kids. Sometimes I wish her mom would pull her head out of her ass so she could go live with her.

I am harder on one of my step daughters than I am my other kids. Sometimes I wish her mom would pull her head out of her ass so she could go live with her.

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Category: secrets

I grew up in a situation like this. My step-dad treated me and my brother like shit and his daughter couldn't do anything wrong. We were good kids worked harder than most and never did anything half as bad as he or his daughter did when they were younger. He kicked us out at 16 and 17 years old. We wish he would die he is a complete asshole. Don't have different standards for them, you married her mom and knew what you were getting into. And she DOES notice the difference in how you treat them!
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don't treat them like that there just kids thay will grow up to hate you
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You are a b****!!
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The writers female. A stepmother.... since she wants the kid top go live with her mom...... just saying.
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To the OP, You had a choice to marry this man or not. It was a package deal. Stop being a f***ing cunt b**** to them. Your kids are going to treat her the way you treat her. You are a NASTY bully! That guy should get a set of balls & leave you!
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You know you are doing it, so continuing to do it is spiteful and all the losses that could result in your family due to this behavior is not what you desire for your life. You can't fix your stepchild's mother. But you are an important adult to this young girl and can make up for the poor legacy she has been handed if you choose to. Choose to do the right thing.
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My sister-in-law is like that with one of my niece's but not the other kids. I think she's a douchebag and my whole family hates her. If my brother didn't have a kid with her he'd leave her ass. How do you live with yourself? Douchebag...
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Yep it's wrong for her to treat this one differently, BUT, in the long run she is hurting the others more. This outcast child will excel and succeed far better than the others. She will know the value of independance. The others will think everything is coming to them.
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I am the OP. I just want to say I have 4 step and 2 bio kids, and this isn't a case of bio against step. This is one of my step children who is not anything like the others, bio or step. She does not listen. I have to constantly be on her ass and watch her every move or she will destroy shit and sneak boxes of food and whole bags of bread and chips. And before someone says I starve her I don't. All my kids are very well taken care of. She is just naughty. And because her mom is a worthless b**** and can't even take her own kids for a weekend I never get a break from the constant behavior issues. I am pissed at biomom and fear I am resenting my step daughter because of it. I love her, I really do. I don't want to have to watch her like a hawk, but if I don't then my other kids end up with their stuff destroyed, no snacks to eat, or hurt. She even hits my 2 yr old and 6 month old baby. She was kicked out of preschool for not behaving and not listening. So my secret is that I wish she would act normal or be able to go live somewhere else. I know its cold, I know its heartless. But I am to the point of leaving my husband and destroying a whole family because I can't handle her behavior anymore.
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To the OP, you have to protect your kids. If she is hitting the baby in front of others than she WILL do worse things before too long. She might need therapy or meds.
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sounds a lot like my of my step-daughters was an attachment disorder child...consider the possibility...look it up on the internet RAD (reactive attachment disorder) and learn all you can..i was with my stepdaughter from the time she was 6, and she is now 20 yrs old. she did many of the things you to the point that this child had to stay in my sight at all times...she literally grew up 3 feet away from she is my closet bud...we share everything...its taken a lot of years, and a lot of persistence...if its at all possible...stick with can still be very rewarding...i wouldnt trade my kids (stepkids) for anything. btw...a good resourse is good luck
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My heart aches for this child. It is not her fault. Please get her psychological help. Everyone in your family will benefit from it. The stealing food thing is a big red flag. Don't let her suffer anymore.
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Karma is a b****.... you have the opportunity to be a special person in their lives... instead you knowingly treat them different... they will be grown one day and they will not forget what you did, how you treated should really change.... treat them all the same. What if something happened to you and someone treated YOUR kids the way you are treating them?
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You'll live to regret it. Believe it. My stepmother is regretting her shitty treatment of me right now.
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Do what ya gotta a Parent...
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This world has how many billion people on it who all think they are the most important? Let me tell you, the rest of you are wrong!
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