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21 years old, responsible, hard working, and just can't seem to get ahead of the game.  I really hate parents who hand their kids everything.

21 years old, responsible, hard working, and just can't seem to get ahead of the game. I really hate parents who hand their kids everything.

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The "Little Rich Kids" will grow up and rule the world whether we like it or not! Look at Washington, DC NOW! "OUR" congressmen know absolutely NOTHING about "REAL" life! THAT SUCKS!!! How many of them are millionaires?!?
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24 years old, 1st year law student, all accomplished entirely on my own. I'm about to change the world without my parent's help. Don't bother being jealous, devote your efforts to making them jealous of you. But trust me when I say that I feel your pain entirely.
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When you DO make it, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you did it by yourself. That's something daddy's trust fund could never buy.
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im 20, mother of a 3 yr old, own my own home and brand new car with NOONES help...ppl can do it alone just when parents hand u everything u seem to want for nothing....but theres more out there than just wat someone else can give blessed with wat u have and what u do with it :)
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I'm 33 and have the same problem...
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at least you will know how to today and a slave tomorrow.just wait and stay strong and you will see who owens who..
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my son died two years ago at the young age of 21 years old. i handed him everything and for that i'm sorry. i would give 10 years of my life to have just 10 minutes more with him...
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31 started a buisness beat down the whole time. still working hard,"we will never surrender" many, many thousands in debt. its a tough market out there especially with our new found illegal friends. all you can do is your best and raise your kids the best way you see fit
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Stop blaming others, if your 21 then you are old enough to make your own choices. Grow up and start taking responsibility for yourself, leave the past in the past.
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It's about working smarter, not harder. I think..
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Met a guy at work with an 18 yr old daughter. He makes crap money like I do and the daughter has no job, is in college now full time and he's kicking her out in a week. He doesn't want to be one of those parents who "hand their kids everything". Yet, he makes almost nothing and staying in school in this area, while working and not having to rely on the paycheck of some horny doofus who likes the way "it feels without a condom" is nearly impossible. Yet, if she gets pregnant, the whole world wants to lend her a f***ing hand. So take these assumptions about people who are handed everything and stuff them up your ass. Because sometimes, semi-poor people with no future listen to that crap and try to take sharp, bright people down with them. When all it would take is a little help. Not the world. Just a little hand. I work 7 days a week and have not had a day off in 6 months now. Complaining? No. But I know people who try to make me feel bad because I live with family. Screw that. I work too f***ing hard to take that shit. And I certainly don't blame anyone else for where I am. I have hope, plans and ambition. That's why I work harder and suffer now. But Joe Limbaugh Listener thinks he's going to win some prize at the end of it all for not accepting help when he needs it? You know what your prize is? Death and pride. And with that attitude, not much love.
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I noticed the language was censored. I apologize for the repeated expletives. Even though this is essentially anonymous, I just wanted to say that if I'd known it was frowned upon I would have used less "colorful" language.
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To whoever wrote this.. I hear you. We are both hard working people, and when I see others handed everything, and myself and other hard working people suffer or go wanting, I wonder what is wrong here.
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I don't think that that person 4 comments up realizes.. no one is saying they blame people who are handed everything for their own position.. it is just hard to see someone ungrateful for getting everything they want, with putting in zero effort. We all have our own opinions, but it is universal, I think, to watch someone be ungrateful for something you would be completely grateful and have grattitude for because you know how much hard work it takes to get there.
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i never had anything growing up. my parents haven't fully supported me since i was 15. i'm a little upset that they don't try to help a smart and motivated child pay for life in college. especially after their basically demanding me to go to college and trying to decide my major for me. and the ridiculous money grubbers i have to deal with to pay for stuff other ridiculous money grubbers say i have to buy. if i ever have kids in college, i'll foot the bill.
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Deep down...the kids that got everything handed to them got to be feeling???? like a failure? maybe guilty? useless? weak? can't make it on my own? ME??...worked hard for every penny I got. Did it myself. Proud of it and can almost handle any situation handed to me. Should be able to die in peace and not feel like I went through life being a burden to anyone!
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All I had was 2 suitcases,accomplished a lot,will leave my kids a lot. It's still doable. Couldn't do it by hard labor, but by smart labor. It was great that parents helped. Congrats to those who can do it w/out parental help. Don't give up hope. I started college at 21. Trust in yourself. You can do it.
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28 and in the same boat.
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The only way to get ahead is to sell weed :)
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We all have to play the hand we were dealt. I'm 71 and struggled all my life to finally be content and have some semblance of financial security. I have two small pensions and a warm home with a mortgage, but a family that feels I was never there for them.
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It's nice to think that spoiled kids will live to regret being so spoiled, but they won't. They will have good lives, they will drive nice cars, and they will look down on you.They will go twice as far and work half as hard as you. It's a shame, but that's how it is - if you're born poor, chances are good you're going to stay poor. If you're born upper-middle-class or higher, you'll have to REALLY screw up to end up with anything less.You and I, my friend, we are the people who keep the United States alive... but soon we'll be gone.
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I feel this way about my step sister, she is generous enough to share things and my step mom just brags about everything she gets. My dad never was able to spoil me to that extent, but I am so appreciative for everything I get because I worked HARD for it. Also, maybe in the future those kids won't know their wants from their needs. :)
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Ur not alone, I'm always a day late and a dollar short but I keep telling myself that one day it will pay off.
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My father drove a dump truck for the state bureau of roads. My mom was a dressmaker. I went to the State U. at night, I went to grad school at night, and in my late forties, we moved so I could go to law school at night in large city. I had a wife and kids too (All grown now and doing well), so it was pretty rough at times. Meanwhile, a lot of the entitled brats who seemed like they had a big advantage out of the starting gate, have "Crashed and burned." Wait and see. Sure, some seem to have big advantages, but life is what you make it!
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