Places for help:
If you cant go on:
We have been married for only two months, everyone thinks we are happy, but I feel alone more than ever. I cry evry night wondering what the future holds.

We have been married for only two months, everyone thinks we are happy, but I feel alone more than ever. I cry evry night wondering what the future holds.

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Category: Secrets

What is wrong with you? How did you allow this to happen to yourself? Do you know what the word "no" means? How long will you allow your life to wander aimlessly? How did you even get to this point with a man? Why don't you take control of the future instead of letting happen to you? The future holds anything and everything and nothing, it's called make a decision. This is so angering and sad and frustrating and incredulous. What are you thinking????????????????????
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If it is that way already it will only get worse. I should know been there done that, got smart and left. It was easier than I first thought and I am alot happier now. Don't you think you deserve better? I did, and still do!!!
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I'm not going to judge you, because God knows that I've been there, too. You're just doing the best that you can.Having said that, what you are hearing are warning bells, and you need to listen to them, and get out. Sounds like you are in an abusive relationship, and it only gets much worse, and harder to leave, the longer that you stay. Read Lundy Bancroft's book "Why Does He Do That?"t will open your eyes and change your life. You are not crazy, and you don't deserve this.
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"Sounds like you are in an abusive relationsthip" - where the **** did you get that bright idea??? Maybe it's the poster's fault they are alone. Maybe she / he is a bitch. Maybe the poster has unrealistic expectations...
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^When you've been there, you can recognize it pretty quickly in others. I'm glad that you can't spot it so easily. I pray that you never can.
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Talk to your family about how you feel. There is no one closer that will help with your dilemma. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES and it sounds like you have made a big one. COUNT ON RELATIVES and your CLOSEST FRIENDS to talk about it. If you don't, you will live in silent misery. Family always understands!
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