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I'm a preacher who's losing his love for people. I help you heal, then you hurt each other again. I'm exhausted.

I'm a preacher who's losing his love for people. I help you heal, then you hurt each other again. I'm exhausted.

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Category: Secrets

there is no hope for people anymore...just give up...
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You need to go on a sabatical.Take time for yourslf,Renew your faith in yourself,others and ask God for the renewed faith that only he can give.I love you and would also suggest a weeklong fasting and cleansing alone with God .I have a place for me and my God. I will pray for you .
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You are only a channel for the healing. The outcome is not up to you. The reason you are exhausted is because your ego is involved and you need to be fed with results. Not much of a "healer" in my opinion. You would do most a favor by discontinuing your "healing" and probably quit the preaching to boot. Healer, heal thyself.
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^ 1 up. You are a good one to pass judgement as you sit on your ass helping no-one. You are one of the selfish people that bring us down. If we were all to try a little harder to be nice this world might be worthwhile, but when there is just a handful working against the masses it becomes disheartening; especially when you do your very best. Why don't we all try to help at least 1 person or animal a day?
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the human race is like that every thing we create we destroy that is human nature. all you can do is heal, forgive and wait for the coming of christ.
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get a real job and quit bithin. there is no god idiot.
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How about taking a break and mess around with some Alter boys??
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Human beings are imperfect, and if left to our own devices, we would self-destruct. That's why there is a need for religion, and for people such as yourself, to remind us to lead moral lives, even though we keep screwing it up time after time.
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People, most pastors do not get sabbaticals. That is a common myth. Most pastors work 60-80 hours a week trying to help people, who in turn will stab pastors in the back and try to destroy their lives. Church people are generally evil, and anyone who spends his life trying to help the world deserves a medal.
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Of course he is not the SOURCE of healing, and he doesn't claim to be. He HELPS people heal, as he states. The problem is, people expect ministers to be perfect, attack their families, spread evil gossip, and generally make their lives a living hell. Being in ministry is a deeply painful profession, because of the people they are called to serve.
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You cannot stop trying. You never know who's life you will actually help to save. Your calling is a thankless one, but you know what is right and that's why you do it. Thank you. Sincerely.
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I agree with the above post. Many church goers are evil. I worked with a few of them too. They are nasty back stabbing pieces of garbage. I trust very few of them.
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people suck
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To #5... I can speak because I know what a real healer IS and does... I am one and I understand that a persons healing is a long and complex process. I don't take the results or lack of results personally because it is not about me. I am fed up with religious people who claim to be healers when really all they are doing is manipulating and controlling people to meet their agendas. That is why the OP's ego is bruised because he can't make people do what he wants and what his church wants. Preaching IS NOT healing.
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^ Above - actually many pastors receive far more real pastoral counseling education than most so-called "counselors". Many go through intensive CPE units in hospitals and other facilities, and are better equipped for counseling than many psychologists. Getting an M.Div. is a grueling experience - it is the most intensive Master's degree in existence. Pastors understand that it is "not about them". The problem is, church members try to MAKE it about them. Unlike secular counselors, pastors are expected to be perfect people. It is far more difficult than being just a typical counselor or psychologist.
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Does preacherman drive an Audi, Mercedes, or a BMW? Free house, free cars; I'd shut the hell up if I were him. PTL, 700 Club, send your donations in... f*** off, bastards!
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People are hard to deal with. If you ever worked retail, security, food service, you will get rotten people in your face every time. The problem with our society today is that our nation has turned away from God. People are meaner, nastier than ever before and I don't think it will get better soon. But if you can save several, then I believe it will be worth it. Don't ever give up. I know it is hard. At least you dedicated your life to helping others. I just go to work and go home.
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Always remember, we are not sinners because we sin! We sin because we are sinners. We are human and we make mistakes all the time. So, Preacher Man, your job is to lead them to the road of righteousness but if they veer off it is not your fault.
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my dad was a preacher - i relate totally. YOU can't fix anybody - only god can - and only if they choose to allow it. hell, we can't even fix ourselves. the church system is f***ed up because is not remotely what it was in the first century. it has become a reflection of our own heirarchic and greek philosophy-based worldview. you are trying to repair people using a broken tool. the church itself needs re-tooling. not your fault, bro.
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stay off the little boys.
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Religion is the biggest hoax ever perpetuated upon mankind.
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The world doesn't really need you to be another martyr. We have enough, and the people you are trying to help don't want to change. change! Stop trying so hard to be so good. Instead, have the courage to go be yourself! Find a path that expresses the power of who you are. That will help humanity far more than giving all your energy to a bunch of losers. Don't listen to that evil little voice that tells you it would be selfish to do what you would enjoy. Go for it!
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^1up^. I totally agree. I am a deeply spiritual person. But my project in this life is ME. I am here to be the best ME I can be. I am getting really good at it, and that makes me feel better and better. Trying to change other people is a waste of time and energy. Affect them by truly being FREE to be yourself. That's the best you can do for them.
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Old Joke: How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but the light bulb has to want to change.
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It sounds like you are definitely experiencing "burnout" symptoms. I agree with the second poster... You need to take a sabatical. If you don't take a break, you will continue to deteriorate, grow weary, and despise the people God has called you to serve. My parents have been pastors for my entire life (I'm 28) and their profession has been extremely difficult at times, wracked with heartache and betrayal, and absolutely emotionally draining. They have given all of themselves to the congregation they serve, living an impoverished life, (they have never had a nice house or driven a BMW, and never will), but they do so willingly as a sacrifice because they believe in helping others change their lives. I admire what they do, but have definitely worried about them when they experienced seasons of burnout. When feeling overwhelmed and discouraged however, they are always faithful to take a step back, spending time with God in order to rejuvenate their souls, and remain in constant awareness that People's burdens are God's to carry and heal, and remembering that they are just the willing vessels. So, take some time off to connect with God again and remember that He is the one you give all of People's troubles to at the end of the day. They are not yours to carry, but His. I will pray for you because I understand your struggle. All people are ultimately selfish and can suck the life out of you if you don't remain grounded in the Lord. God bless
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