Places for help:
If you cant go on:
I am extremely schizophrenic, but nobody can tell because I'm almost sure which things are real, and I'm a pretty decent actor. Of course, I could be wrong.

I am extremely schizophrenic, but nobody can tell because I'm almost sure which things are real, and I'm a pretty decent actor. Of course, I could be wrong.

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Category: Secrets

Methinks you are mistaken.
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Make like a banana and split!
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Maybe you aren't schizophrenic, maybe the things you know that are real are very much real. Have you had a brain scan to confirm a diagnosis? Don't diagnose or label yourself with a mental condition because you experience life differently than most. In the coming two years, many will beleive they have gone crazy because of what they will experience but the truth is that the insanity existed in the closing off the mind to possibilities.
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You're nuts!
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if you are truly schitzophrenic people know. if you are truely schitzophrenic, you(s) wouldn't
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Hey, look at it this way... you're never alone if you're a schizophrenic.
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If you were truely a schizophrenic (aka MPD Multiple Personality Disorder), you would NOT be able to tell what is "real" and what is not "real". That is the nature of the disorder, the patient absolutely believes what they are experiencing is completely and totally real. If you can "tell" what is real and what is not, then you are truely not a schizophrenic. You may have other disorders, if you believe you are a good "actor" then you may have Narcississtic Personality Disorder, or other variations on a theme. Sincerely, Psych Doc.
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to above poster, schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder are two different things, so before you go diagnosing and acting like you have even an inkling of what you're talking a book.
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^^^suck my psychotic dick
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I am diagnosing that you are a shithead.
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mmhmm. you sound really smart. keep dreaming f***face.
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to the psych (lol) doc...did you get your degree from a box of cracker jacks? Schizophrenia has nothing to do with Multiple personality disorder. They are two completely distinct disorders and furthermore, the correct term for Multiple Personality Disorder is Disociative Identity Disorder (DID) and MPD is no longer used. Good luck with the malpractice suits..
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Y SO Sirius
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^exactly what i was trying to say, thank you. ;)
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whoa is this the dude from donnie darko and the film nowhere and independence day. If it is I cant remember your name but you are f***ing awesome.
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Are you trying to say you don't know whether it is Halloween or Easter?
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I know several people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. I believe it is quite possible for someone to have the internal mechanism responsible for the disease, i.e. the hallucinations and delusions, but to have learned to function "normally". The human brain is an amazingly flexible organ.In fact I believe there are a great number of people in this category. Everyone experiences the world differently. Perhaps it is only one's ability or inability to adapt to our differences that cause people more or less able to function in society.And while we're on the subject, it's also a rather artificial concept this sane/insane judgement. Sometimes a person is simply harmlessly different, but they're labelled and ostracized. Blah!!!
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re: "Maybe you aren't schizophrenic, maybe the things you know that are real are very much real. Have you had a brain scan to confirm a diagnosis? Don't diagnose or label yourself with a mental condition because you experience life differently than most." Maybe he was diagnosed and he still thinks things are real but they are not. Also, it is hard to diagnose and you cannot do it with a brain scan. Also, maybe he thinks people don't believe him because he is paranoid.
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