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My parents are paying over 25,000 a year to send me to college but I would have been fine working at the movie theater the rest of my life. I hate it here.

My parents are paying over 25,000 a year to send me to college but I would have been fine working at the movie theater the rest of my life. I hate it here.

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Category: Secrets

You're a deeply ungrateful slob. Do you know how many people would give their left arm to go to college? Try to be thankful and see college as an opportunity to grow as a person. It's not just about the education, it's about becoming a productive person.
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^ They are wrong. But you need to stop going to college and let you mom and dad keep their money. Some people aren't cut out for higher education or just too young. Do the right thing and quit. Mom and dad won't like it but you have to live YOUR OWN life. They'll get over it and you will be happier.
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^ i agree, it makes him ungrateful because he doesn't enjoy college? that's ridiculous. in the end the persons only got one life to live, and they need to live it for them self. and also what is a "productive person"?--being certified to sit in a cubicle crunching numbers all day? working another job you hate just because its revered in society? its a myth that attending college automatically increases your personal worth in society
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Do what is best for you. Just be honest with your parents, so they can quit spending their money on the wrong cause. Take some time and really think about what you want to do with your life. Do what makes you happy and everything else will fall into place. You can always go back to college down the road if you decide to. It is your life...
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^ 2 up - yes, it absolutely makes him/her ungrateful. Education should be a goal for everyone, and to disdain it simply because he/she is lazy is inexcusable. Those who are defending the OP are undoubtedly just as lazy.
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^ 3 up - No one mentioned anything about financial worth. College should make you a better person because it allows you to sit under a body of wisdom that is much bigger than you are. Otherwise, a person goes thru life with only their OWN knowledge, which is limited at best. College is a life stage that allows a person to grow more dedicated and committed.
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I say you should tell them that you don't want to go. It's easier said than done...i know ,but you must be happy or your life will never be your own.... Just becasue the A$$holes on here think your lazy ...F**k Them!! they are not in your shoes and probobly just jealous they werent afforded the same oppertunities. My parents begged me to go to college but i knew what i wanted and now i live happy with MYSELF in the military... TO EACH HIS OWN!!!!
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to 2^ from the bottom as long as you can read, there is nothing a college can't teach you that you can't learn yourself. College is a scam to us real intelliigent people who can't afford to go.
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The best way for you to do right now is ask your parents if you can live your own way without their support for 2 years. If it works out then continue doing it, if not you have to let your parents step in and follow their decision.
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To the first commenter - you're nuts" the OP didn't say anything about laziness. They said: "I would have been fine working at the movie theater the rest of my life. I hate it here." Not everyone should get an education, not everyone is smart enough for college, some peolple are too smart for college and some people like you have no empathy or tolerance. I'm glad I'm not your kids.
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ROFL!!! "Too smart for college". Sounds like somebody couldn't pass the entrance exam. And yes, working at a movie theater if you're over the age of 16 is lazy and pathetic.
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^WOW...judgeMENTAL. I am 27 and HAVE to now find a job at um well..anywhere, so you think I am lazy and pathetic??? LAZY?? PAthetic??? You mean like your oh so important job that lets you be online most of the day?? Who is more LAzy the office worker or the theater worker??
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I'm not lazy or a slob or ungrateful I'm doing all the work my classes have required. I was just making a statement about how I was perfectly find working at the movie threater where I am a supervisor (promoted within a year and a half). And everyone can go to college the goverment makes it so EASY to get a high education.
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College is not the end all be all and frankly I know many people who are career students because they have no clue about who they are or what they want to do. It's not for everyone and alot of parents shove this down their kids throats much like they do with their religion and politics. It's more lemming, slave mentality. Many people who graduate with degrees can't even find jobs outside the fast food industry. Many would be better off spending that time searching their souls and travelling the earth for greater perspective.
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It's amazing how many dumb asses I work with who came straight out of college with 4-yr... degrees who don't know their asses from holes in the ground. I worked my way up in 2 years to the same level they're at, and know more about my business than any of these idiots with a degree who never worked a meaningful day in their lives. A degree can't take you but so far in the working world. You need some common sense too...
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I love how all the dumb people who couldn't make it in college talk about having "common sense" and "street smarts". ROFL! That's just code for "I'm stupid but I'm a good faker".
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^ you are a self rightous a**hole! There are many differnet ways of being smart! A degree in one area of education only means you are compenent in that arena. If you have a degree in business, then you would not know the first thing about medicine, and vice versa. I know a lot of self made successful people who never went to college. You better hope you have some "street smarts", because an a**hole like you might just need them the next time you start flapping your gums!
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LMFAO at the above poster. You tell 'em!
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quit school now and save your parents the money. go back on your own dime later when you know what you want to do with your life. i put myself through 4 years of college because i was expected to go and i had no idea what i wanted to do. i wasted thousands of dollars i am still paying off and i have the same job i had when i graduated high school--i just make more money now. college isn't for everyone and it isn't for everyone at age 18...not everyone has their life figured out and knows what they want to do at such a young age.
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You may be happy at the movie theater now but I doubt you would remain as happy for the next 25 years. You may not enjoy school but you should really take advantage of the opportunity you have and get the degree. Then you can still stay at the theater if that's what you want, and if you get a degree in business you could go even further there. The theater will always be there -- the chance to get a degree at no cost to you won't.
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wow... i wish i could have parents like that... i am 18, live alone, and make like seven dollars an hour. i don't know how the hell i am going to be able to pay for an education, but i know some how i will make it. but i understand about being able to be perfectly happy in a job at a theater. some of us prefer simple things in life... and you know good times are always had at the movies!!!!
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Get the education. It will give you more options going forward. You may be happy working in a theatre for the rest of your life but there may come a day when your priorities change. I'm a father of 2 and this is the advice I've given them. Good luck.
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