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the cost of raising a child from birth to college $426,190 on average. i honestly think its just an overrated and overpriced hobby with no payoff, to have kids

the cost of raising a child from birth to college $426,190 on average. i honestly think its just an overrated and overpriced hobby with no payoff, to have kids

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Category: Secrets

I have a VERY simple answer for you. If this is what you honestly think, please dont have any. Kids arent a hobby. This is just a wierd post.
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It's not a weird post. I feel the exact same way. If someone wants unconditional love and affection, adopt a dog.
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Being a parent is a full time life time job. To be a parent you must make a choice to sacrifice large parts of your life to bring another life into the world and nurture them and expect nothing in return. Lot's of people these days are having kids as if it is a hobby, true but in reality it is a choice that changes your life and the life of a child forever. So for you the OP, might be a good idea to obstain from sex or get "fixed".
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The OP and the #2 commenter obviously don't have kids and shouldn't. Mine are grown and were worth every penny, every heartache and every joy. You both are obviously self-centered, spoiled children yourselves.
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To the 4th commenter: You don't have to be self-centered to have no interest in having kids. You do have to be self-centered to believe that everyone should have the same priorities you do.
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I think it's hard for you to understand the Love that you do get from your child. It is not overrated at all. Like sex yeah thats over rated...sometimes ;) lol. But seriously Kids have there moments, you also LEARN sooo much from them, more than you would have without them. Not trying to talk to you into having them just saying that your comment about it being overrated is wrong IMO
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Unless you have a thing for little girls then you can make you own f*** toys...
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OP here. I totally forgot about that! thanks to the 1 above comment!
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Once you have your thoughts would change. My baby boy is the greatest thing in the world
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2^ oh so your a pedophile too. Why am I not surprised?
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Wait till you are alone in a nursing home. Some investments may be worth the money :)
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No joke, I and my sisters fought over who mom would come to stay with we loved her so much. No old folks home for her, and my grandma gets love from dozens of her grand kids and great grand kids and even some of the great great grand kids. I love all 5 of mine and am sure that it will be the same with them, I can't wait for grand children! And in the end the only thing you take with you is the love.
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Someone's gotta change your Depends when you get old, might as well be your kids.
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It doesn't cost nearly that much. I have three.
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i have 7and they are everything to me, my life would be nothing without them!!!!
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ive got 4 boys and im 32. i work and still have hobbies i enjoy with my sons.guns,bjj, quads and b****es....just kidding about the last one, my wife would shit! lol...
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