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I often find myself trying to think  of ways to torture people in the most painful ways for long periods of time without killing them.

I often find myself trying to think of ways to torture people in the most painful ways for long periods of time without killing them.

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Category: Secrets

I do that to.
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Obama is that you?
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You are one sick f**k! Do you torture little animals for practice? Do you play with matches?Maybe someone, someday will get a hold of you and give you a lesson in torture first hand!
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Agree with above comment- you are just sick, get a therapist.
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EW! At least when you think of doing horrible things .. try to always think of doing them to people who deserve it.. molesters, killers, rapists, hit and run idiots, drunk drivers, animal abusers.. man there's a huge list of people to pick on!
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Join the CIA, they need people just like you that can do that, then go home and lead normal lives.
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Stick them in a very hot and humid room... Give them paper cuts all over their body... OUTCH!!
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Me too. it's the price of having a creative mind, maybe you should look into making hollywood films...
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start with me
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why dont u take a trip to slovakia. there are some nice hostels that would love you as a guest.. provided you're not rich..
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this is what I want 2 do 2 the man who raped mydaughter.tightly duct tape a road flare 2 the bottom of his feet after 20 min. work my way upfrom there.
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^^I give you my blessings. Go and do unto him that which was done unto your daughter, just more painfully and make it last a whole lot longer.
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There's nothing wrong with having outrageous fantasies... as long as you know better than to act on them.
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Hello Clarice
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Yes, Your Sickness, how may I help you?
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i like to make ppl feel pain i get a rush form it thats why i am dom and have sub toys that take it
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Yes and I scream at kittens to make myself feel like a bigger person.
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I do the same thing... to people who are cruel and continuously hurt or prey on the innocent or handicapped. I want to keep a closet in my basement as a torture chamber, but that's just stupid. Hurt them for a while and then leave them for the animals to finish the job. Can't wit til I can have pigs, they eat every scrap, and they don't care if you are alive when they start! I'd love to hear your story of how you hurt an elderly person or child or animal! I will definately make you wish you hadn't.
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Are you seriously threatening someone online? What a f***ing moron.
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Not really ding dong. It was a fantasy post. duh
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I was talking to the reply above f***tard
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^so was I peepee head.
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