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I am a 46 year old married woman to a man who makes enough money for any of my needs, but every time I go into a store I steal something.

I am a 46 year old married woman to a man who makes enough money for any of my needs, but every time I go into a store I steal something.

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Category: Secrets

You are a stupid klepto, a real attention whore! Get some help. How do you think you family is going to feel when you get caught?Believe me you will get caught!
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Well when cops handcuff you and throw in jail the habit may disappear for good.
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it will catch up to you soon enough. Be cautious, I would stop if I were you especially since you got money wtf??!!
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I understand. It is a rush. Good luck.
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It's ok, you'll never get caught. The clerks are only looking at all the black people, so steal away. It's what they get! Deplete them.
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Get help. There are usually deep underlying issues that lead to this. You can get into a lot of trouble that is unnecessary.
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Shoplifters are one of the reasons the rest of us have to pay higher prices... Thanks a lot, b****!
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seek help. If you ask around, especially in "da hoods" you can gain some valuable information as well as possible assistance...remember, 2 or 3 of you can haul much more than you can alone.
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You have something missing in your life, seek counseling to find out what it is, before you get thrown in jail. This is the kind of attention you don't want.
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5^ up LOL
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