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I made my sister move out of my house and I was mean about it, now that she gone I feel like I have lost my best friend. I miss her and have cried for 2 days.

I made my sister move out of my house and I was mean about it, now that she gone I feel like I have lost my best friend. I miss her and have cried for 2 days.

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Category: Secrets

Then get in touch with her and try to work things out. Just remember blood is thicker than water, and family is forever.
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I cried for 3 when I read this- very touching
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Imagine how many days she has should never push family away; whatever the reason.
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your sister was a b**** and you know it. She broke the rules and she didn't know when to back off. U made the right choice. Its just separation anxiety, give it a week. You'll throw a party.
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^great reality check!
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Tough love is a b****. I know.
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Did your sister leave a turd in the sugar bowl?
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Talk to her... don't let something happen that will extend your guilt.
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No actually she was my step-sister and has been since she was 6 months old. She is now 16 and had lived with me for the last year and a half, I did everything for her and just could not stand the fact that she was lying to me about everything and talking shit about me behind my back, you just don't do that to people who love and care about you. So you are right, tough love is a b**** and sometimes you just have to be mean to let people know that they screwed up!
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And you are also right I cried for about 4 days until I found out other stuff that she had lied to me about from her mother and now I feel like I made the right decision.Now I have more time to focus on my own 2 children without having to constantly make sure she was happy.
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But I do still miss her, and so do my kids.
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