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I wont start living until Im a sz 4. I cant flirt or have fun until I lose 20 lbs. Ive said this for 3yrs,every yr a new goal. It just occured 2 me that Im sick

I wont start living until Im a sz 4. I cant flirt or have fun until I lose 20 lbs. Ive said this for 3yrs,every yr a new goal. It just occured 2 me that Im sick

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Category: Secrets

size 4? Hon get some help. If you are just 20 lbs over a size 4 you are probably at a healthy weight currently. You need some help, you are sick. You have been mind controlled to believe you are not worthy of love until you are emaciated and heading towards death.
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I love you just the way you are, Jennie....
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start living sweety. 20pounds is nothing to be ashamed of.
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Don't punish yourself anymore, and go out and have fun. Twenty pounds is not that big of a deal. By making just a few simple changes in your diet you could easily lose the weight in six months to a year.
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I'm a guy and I was dying to lose weights and get fit, I was dying to finish school, and was dying to get a good job. Because I was dying to do a lot of things I forgot to live.
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Twenty pounds over a size 4 is probably overweight, albeit only slightly. Rather than go by size, check your BMI (Google it). If you're doing healthy activities to lose weight then constantly setting the bar high is great. You'll look good, feel good and be healthy. If you're doing unhealthy things to lose the weight then you have a problem. The point isn't your goal, but how you get there.
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Come on... some people aren't meant to be a size 4! Happiness isn't a number on your clothes tag! You can be happy if you are a size 4 or a 14! People like outgoing happy people...and if some guys don't see the good in you then they aren't the guy for you!
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Oh, and don't listen to the fatty that says it's society that's telling you you have to be thin. Society is telling everyone the opposite right now. It's ok to be fat because everyone is fat...bullshit. We're a country of porkers and we need stop being so accepting of an unhealthy lifestyle. I heard recently that women's clothing sizes have to be adjusted becuase of how fat everyone is...that's a great sign.
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WTF are you talking about?^ Have you ever tried to buy plus size clothes? Go into any dept store and 90% of sizes are for women size 12 and under. The other 10% are clothes made for bigger women but look like something a 70 year old woman would wear. BS society is telling people it is ok to be fat. Everywhere you look the image of anorexia is what is promoted as acceptable these days. The reason such a high percentage of the population is fat is because of this distorted programming causing all sorts of eating and psychological imbalances. What is unhealthy is the idea that someone is not valued as a human until they are a certain size.
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^heard that!!!
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^^Sure,'s everyone's fault but your own.
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^^^It just looks like anorexic and waifish in comparison to you, it's actually a healthy weight. You aren't healthy, whether society accepts you or makes clothes that flatter you (I'm sure it's the clothes that make you look bad and not the lard), the bottom line is you're dying...a lot faster than someone with an eating disorder. Get healthy, lose the weight. With universal health care around the corner I'm the one who will have to pay for your first, second and third bypass by age 40.
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^Yeah and I will be paying for the cancer you develope from being such a hateful, judgemental human being. I guess we will be even.
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^that's it? That's your rebuttal? Actually obesity greatly increases the risk of cancer, so I'll be footing the bill for you on that one too. And it goes without saying based on your "argument" but a recent study showed that brain power is reduced up to 10% in obese people (Google it if you don't believe me).
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^I guess all I can say is I don't enjoy being overweight and I make an effort to try to be healthy, not just in body but in mind and spirit too. I don't think you can say the same. I think you enjoy being hateful and have no intention of changing despite all the damage that your hate does to all of humanity. Shame really.
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I'm a guy, and trust me, you'd probably look better at a size 6.
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Im the same. I reject invitations and will not go on dates or do anything because Im not at my ideal weight. I think that eventually some guy will not be interested and also I feel fat and uncomfortable. Friends tell me Im fine but I look so bloated to myself. I keep on saying when I lose just 5 more pounds, but it's the same thing every 5 down. Sorry you feel this way too.
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Every time we make an excuse we go a step backwards.
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It just occurred to me you're lazy and using disease as an excuse. Just like you use you're waist size as an excuse for your lowsy social life.
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^5 up. You're right, that was a low blow and overly hurtful. I apologize.
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^apology accepted. Now forgive yourself and heal.
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Damn you are getting pudgy again.
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Don't date, masturbate. It works for me!
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I'm a size 4/2 not happy when I was a 12 I was the happiest of my life. Medicine was the cause but hell I was happy, baby made the weight come off. Being a low size doesn't bring happiness. Everyone looks at you like look have a eating disorder. Ever need a friend I'm here. Phone, email, whatever. Sarah
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I was happy with myself when I was a big child. High school made me learn I wasn't good enough. I am 32, a size 2, and more unhappy than ever. I lost the weight, but I was never suddenly good enough. I hate it when I see big girls getting married to wonderful, loving men. I'm so messed up, I am jealous of girls that are probably jealous of me!
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Actually, if you are wishing cancer on someone for being over weight you are wishing it on yourself. You know what? The heavier person has a better shot of making it through chemo. There's only so much weight a small person can lose. So perhaps you should look at whatever is wrong with yourself and stop judging people by their looks.
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8^. Actually Im not lazy at all. I work out all the time so I plateau alot. but I always figure out a way to lose more. The problem isn't that I'm not losing weight, it's that no matter how much I lose, it still isn't good enough. I recognized the pattern and realize that it's a sickness. Nothing lazy about recognizing that. I never thought I would be the one to feel this way. I spoke with someone about it and am getting help. She told me that these symptoms are signs of anorexia. That I don't have to look like a skeleton to have it and that it starts in the mind. Weird how it just hit me out of the blue one day. Thanks for caring! Thanks everyone!
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