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When I was 10 I saw a village like this. I really thought real people lived in there. I kept wondering where they were

When I was 10 I saw a village like this. I really thought real people lived in there. I kept wondering where they were

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Category: secrets

but where is it? Doh!
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There are villages like that, all over Europe and the East countries.
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Why is that a secret?
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cause I'm too embarrassed to admit I was that stupid
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Ah yes the little people. Only special people can see them.
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We all did stupid stuff when we were kids, these r-tards are just to cowardly to admit theirs as you have done. BTW my stupid kid thing was that I thought that my dog created some kind of monster-proof energy field that prevented monsters from being under my bed or in my closet, so I always let him sleep in my room.
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I thought that the white vapor lines in the sky from passenger planes were put there on purpose by a person and that was their job. I decided that when I was older I would invent a way to make curved lines and revolutionize the industry.
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The faeries live there
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I thought the word "vagina" meant a nude painting of a woman
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I heard the radio say it was a live broadcast, so for a long time i thought that somehow people were acutally shrunk down and stuffed into the car radio
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remember when the end of a song would fade out? i thought while listening to the radio that a judge a la Simon always sat in the radio studio and when he got tired of the band, a rotating platform like on the Price is Right would skirt them away, hence the "fade out".
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omg some of theses comments are funny......there was a fire in the neighborhood?...and my parents said " maybe its arson?"....i thought they ment ...our son .....i got all scared...:P
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arson LOL now that's funny :-)
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Mine was that I was convinced that the photos in my room could see me, so I always laid them face down when I changed clothes
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I was sure that the toys in my room came to life like in "Toy Story" as soon as I left the room. I even hid a camcorder one time to catch them. When I got back and there was nothing on it I assumed that they saw me hide it and stayed still.
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Once my cousin stuck his hand in the crack of a couch and found a quarter, so I assumed that there must be some magical creature that made money appear in there. Maybe a year later that same cousin was doing it again (digging in couch) and something in there cut his finger pretty bad. I decided that whatever was leaving money in there had set traps to keep people from taking his cash.
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i used to say, 'post mortem depression' =)
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My mom used to tell my sister and me that if we put salt on a birds tail we could catch it. We spent hours outside with salt shakers chasing birds.
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every kid thinks that
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