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Should I feel bad for hating all white people because of the racist ignorance i read on this site??

Should I feel bad for hating all white people because of the racist ignorance i read on this site??

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Category: Secrets

Somebody call the waaaaaambulance.
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It makes you a racist and a hypocrite so where do you get off complaining about what other people say??
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Yes you should, because not all white people are ignorant bastards.
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There's idiots in EVERY race but to single out one race and classify them ALL as ignorant is foolish on your part. Remember, it's not the nationality, it's the personality!
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How come blacks always complain about whites painting blacks with a big brush stroke, but it's perfectly acceptable for them to do so.
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Just hate everyone.
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Don't feel bad at all...I don't hate black people for the racist ignorance I read on this site..I hate them for the racist ignorance I see them doing every day... Ciao...
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Kanye West, WTF are you doing here on this site?
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I hate Obama. He is a racist. I hate him for wanting to take my money and give it to the rightful owners. Not because he is a racist. Oh yea, I wonder who he means by the rightful owners.
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I would love for you to point out the racist postings you speak of. I've been checking this site out for 6 months and have yet to see a racist post!
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I'm sorry your kid turned out looking like Dennis Rodman... that's your problem, not mine!
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The underlying problem is hate itself, hate you are seeing from other people is causing you to hate. What a sad state to be in.
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The downfall of truth, is that it hurts. It may be one persons perogative to dispise those of a different color, or who are overweight, ugly, depressed, or just weird...whatever. I is their right to say they hate it, it is our right not to be hurt by it. Which is harder to do? Please don't hate us because of our color, weight, or other differences. Judge us by our individual actions. This is from a white girl who is ashamed and pained by some things on here as well. At the same time though it has allowed me to comment against actions I myself dispise which I hope promotes change in some ideas, not creating pain and hate of oneself.
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i think black people are pretty! but asian babies are cuter.....
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i hate abe lincoln, he started this shit
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So, your going to create new feelings towards a whole race of people based on a website? Sure, go ahead and join the other mislead idiots out there and narrow your possibilities. Put those blinders on and go down a narrow path of just certain friends. Ignore other friends that you may need to rely on in the future that may even save your life. Teach your kids the same things so they to experience this. As far as ^, they can't be "African Americans" if they weren't born in Africa. If they are, I'm German-Irish-Russian-Polish American.
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Look at all the black millionaires playing in the NBA and NFL. It truly pains me to hear them speak! I love it when I read about career-ending injuries, because the dumbf***s don't have enough common sense or intelligence to plan ahead. Most never earned a degree, so they are f***ed... LMAO!
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No you shouldn't feel bad at all. Because deep down inside all of us white people hate you to. It's just that some aren't strong enough to admitt it.
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OP, I dont feel bad because i have realized that not all white peole are Asses.. Most really dont have a probem with race just like some black people. After posting this and reading the responses i have found that its not everone its only a select few and that i am being racist by generalizing an entire race. I am disgusdted at the negative post i have recieved, but i understand that there will always be small minded hicks in this world and I live everday of my life by proving them wrong. I live to be better, stronger,smarter, more financialy stable, than them and i know inside who the superiorperson (NOT RACE) is. Thank you all Positive posters out there and god bless. To The Negative posters.....I took what you wrote put it in my pocket and pulled out a handful of I DONT GIVE A FUCKS!lol. Seriously I pray for you, that one day you may overcome you hateful thoughts and feelings. I apoligize on behalf of my race if they have ever done anything to harm, or offend you...God bless you too.
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it makes you what you hate...
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You are what you eat - a black piece of shit!
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Where's Bill Cosby? At least he has the balls to tell you blacks to get off your asses and do something with your lives, besides b**** and moan about slavery and "reparations". Living in America NOW, the way it is, should make you happy. Hunted any antelopes lately with a spear?
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Its fun to have a bit of witty banter on a site like this, but it seems that there are some oxygen thieves here who are just not worth listening to. White trash is just a large pile of stinking garbage rotting from the inside out. Pinch your nose together, and walk on by. (PR)
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OP,^Good Point You Have Made the most sense!Thanks to everyone! Even the Racist! This was a fun post but really...MOVE ON this is like 3 Weeks OLD now....And alot of you really Should Get a life or maybe have a little sex But you need help I WROTE THAT SHIT A LONG TIME AGO! Get Over It Goodbye...See you next post!
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I hate you more.I have a friend Jana who f***s black guys who use her like a free whore.No white guy will ever touch her again - she is doomed unless she leaves town.It is heartbreaking and disgusting.I will not eat any food she makes because of where her hands have been.
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It is so funny how reverse racist claiming anyone who does not like black people is white trash, redneck or a Hillibilly.Educated, upper middle class wealthy and a business owner here: I refuse to hire black people.... try to prove.
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if a black person from america moves to africa, is their appropriate title "american african"?
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