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My parents were never there for me growing up, so I let 80's television raise me. It hasn't worked out because real life isn't like television.

My parents were never there for me growing up, so I let 80's television raise me. It hasn't worked out because real life isn't like television.

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Category: Secrets

I'd say it's about time to stop blaming your parents and start taking responsibility for yourself and your problems. You going to blame your parents your whole life? Time to stop making excuses.
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Same thing happened to me in the 70s. 'eh, live and learn.
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your childhood forms who you become. you can try to change yourself but that shit is hardwired.
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"Hello McFLY!" TRUE! life is not like the TV shows, but consider this: dont most stories live in the minds of humans? when the mind processes a fantasy, the energy that is created in the mind is released upon the world, solor system, galaxy, universe and beyond. The actions of the universe make fantasy a reality. there would be no automobile without some dreamer thinking of a wheel. Their really is no progression without fiction. fiction is very creative force, much like the workings of god, whom said, "let there BE a light" I say: think of a fantasy and enjoy watching it come alive before your very eyes. blessings (zane)
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Imagine how messed up kids are that are raised by tv now. How messed up our society is getting because there are fewer kids that are actually being raised, and more that are set aside by annoyed or busy parents. Listen up parents if you haven't done anything with your child in the last week, you are a bad parent. Conditions are worse because of the economy, try to cut out extras rather than both parents working two jobs. Make your children a priority. They wouldn't have needs if you hadn't brought them into the world. It is your duty.
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The kids raised by TV these days will be messed up big time, however they also have a lot of advantages.They will grow up thinking that there are murdered bodies in every dumpster, and that every domestic "discussion" will be the death om some Mom or Dad somewhere.However, they now have the skill set to discover who the culprit is, and solve the murder without getting the police involved. They are all experts in forensic medicine, and every body knows how to judge the age of a maggot. So that is good news!
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What's with all the TV shows nowadays having a queer token character in them? That is NOT normal; why is it portrayed as such?
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You mean all black families aren't like the Huxtables on "The Cosby Show"? I would have never guessed!!!
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They have to get the gay audience and the black audience...wait, the black folks have their very own channel to watch.
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They are just trying to make it easier for people to accept.
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WOW! Another brilliant deduction from another insipid fool.
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The annoyed parents of today and the parents who sit their kids in front of tvs to be babysat were rasied the same way. They don't really know how to be a parent because their parents didn't either. It's a vicious cycle that somebody will hopefully stop one day, until then enjoy........... zombies.
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70's shows raised me. Banana Splits, Flintstones, The Monkeys, Brady bunch, Lost in Space and Star Trek. Adams family, Sonny and Cher show, Donny and Marie, Yep, watched a lot of tv in those days. Dad played with us and took us places, Mom was always too busy cleaning and cooking to play. At least we had one parent that did stuff with us.
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Doh!!! who wudda thunk dat??? golly.... maybe u shudda been watchin porn instead...then ya wudda been able to amount to sumthin..
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Now I know why so many kids look like albinos nowadays. They don't go play out in the woods or yard like we did as kids.
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^And they aren't taught to play by themselves. Kids don't know what to do without other people or the tv around. I'm with you I had the best time playing out in the yard and woods.
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You don't have to go somewhere to spend time with your kids.You can buy a game of checkers for $5 at the dollar store. I got a chess set for like $3.What the heck?buy a deck of cards evenget their arses off the damn computer!take a freaking walkBuy some used dvd once in a while
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what you talkin bout willis
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