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My husband left me for a Jesus Freak. It destroyed me & broke my heart. Too bad I read his email & found out he is gay. What would her god think of her now.

My husband left me for a Jesus Freak. It destroyed me & broke my heart. Too bad I read his email & found out he is gay. What would her god think of her now.

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Category: Secrets

your better off without him and his aids juice!
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which mean both of you are not attractive enough that's why he turned gay. If you think about it you wanna laugh too. haha
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^ Really? That's what "turns men gay"?
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Yea, I was a straight guy until i got married. My ugly wife is a filthy girl so I turned to my gay friend for help. little do i know the rest is history.
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god is fiction
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Instead of getting on this other woman for being a "Jesus Freak", you should go get tested for AIDS, divorce your GAY, CHEATING, MIXED UP husband and get on with your life. Who wants to be with some guy that wants to poke man butt? YUK
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I thought you queers were "born that way". Now, I feel as confused as you apparently are.
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This post is so this sight is sinking fast hurry someone make something else up and post it, just make it more intresting than a gay guy who Loves God :/
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I am not sure who is more confused the married guy with a gay lover or the woman who thinks he left her for a female jesus freak. Are you sure you have it straight. Maybe he left you for the gay guy initially
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I agree with the post above me. The girl might have been a decoy so that he could get divorced from you without a lot of questions. He probably doesn't want everyone to know about him being gay. Also, how sure are you that he's gay? Did you ever have that thought before you opened his email?
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He left you AsSHole. Rationalize it any way you like, in the end it's YOU that was the problem. FuCkInG crybabies, do you ever take responsibility for anything that happens in your life. Bet he's happier now just to be away from you, gay or not.
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I did divorce him, and I HAVE gotten tested and I AM better off without him, I just find it amusing that his new wife LOOOOVES god and has no idea that her "god" will be pissed that she is banging a "gay" guy AND destroyed a marraige. HE also admitted he wanted to be with other men but his family is VERY scary and against it. Oh, and for the record, I am pretty f***ing hot so deal with it.
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^ Yeah right!
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i dont really CARE what you think, I just posted my "secret" so whatever. I didnt think this was a website for ignorant morons...isnt that what rants and raves is for?
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But his new wifes "God" really don't care or give a shit cause her "God" is just what she wants her "God" to be....and her "God" will not care if her hubby is gay...if she doesn't. My point is, your resentfull and for good reason...but be sure you put your life on the right track before spending energy on petty issues like this. I mean, make it so you compare your success' to others success', not other failures. Their failure does nothing for you, it creates nothing good for you.
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Maybe the "Jesus Freak" was once a guy? LMAO!
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^ 'b****' is allowed now?
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^ yeah, Bitch!
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It's the proper name for most women, therefore it's capitalized.
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Actaully, I swallow, I put out minimum 2x a day, I look good and I am very spunky. He just got bored. I was his first and he is a douche. And she is ugly. Not just saying that because of the circumstances. Put it this way, she was hired at Walmart as a "Cart Pusher" because the all though she was....mentally retarded. Seriously, during her interview they talked VERY SLOW and were treating her "special". SHE told me this (BEFORE she decided to destroy my marraige) draw your own conclusions...B**ch
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Don't cry - he did you a favor! Dust yourself off, and get back in the game!
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Your ex figured the Jesus freak would be too dumb to pick up on his homosexual side. Get tested for AIDS and STD's. count your blessings, and move on - he did you a favor!
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