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I am contemplating an affair with a married man.

I am contemplating an affair with a married man.

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Category: Secrets

U SUCK!! ever hear of karma??
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find a man who isn't married, there are plenty of good, single men.
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^HA!WHere!?! All the good ones are stuck in bad marriages! Geez let them go! Stop cheating on him and being lazy, sloppy women. get a job, get a life and give him a divorce. Maybe you will find someone you can love as well.
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do you live in Austin, tx
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I hope he doesn't have any kids.
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You SHOULD contemplate using an original photo for your secret, you homewrecking b****!
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Don't do it! Forget these mean ones and there comments. It will hurt his marriage and kids if there are any but it will only end badly for you as well. Forget him. Sex ain't worth it.
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It's going to hurt you when you develop feelings for him, an attachment and he chooses his wife over you. Happens every time, take notice, he's not divorced.
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He's probably laughing at both of you!
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As long as you are having some fun, and not getting hurt. Of course his wifey will be hurt (if she finds out), but are we really designed to be with one type of candy all our lives, and never being able to taste the double chocolate dipped marshmellow thingy that looks so gooooood over there being slowly sucked by the cute blond piece of fluff over in the corner........Woops, sorry, imagination got the better of me. (PR)
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My cousin is messing around with a married woman. He is even moving near her just to be closer for their affair. Her husband doesn't know about him and she probably doesn't have any plans to leave him. They are all STUPID!
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*shudders* (zane)
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Here's how I look at it: Are you married? If not, go for it. If he's not going to cheat with you, then he'll cheat with someone else. Whomever cheats on their spouse is just scum. At least you can leave in good conscience...right?
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OH! That's my ex-girlfriend (zane)
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DONT DONT DONT!!!! Trust me so many bad things can happen. His wife will be devestated (UNLESS SHE CHEATED ON HIM), she could be a psycho and find out, IF he claims she is cheating he could be lying to get some (I have BEEN there!) and he will never leave her for you. THey always say they will but they wont. And even if he does, he will just do the same to you later on down the road when he is bored with you. TRUST ME I have been on BOTH ends of this story. NOT FUN.
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Oooor you could throw her into the mix! Trust me, once she goes down on you you wont WANT to sleep with him!
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You can walk down that path, it's just fine. But stay on top of your game, keep it real and do not over expect what your going to get from the affair. If you want love and marriage and closeness and security...well you aint going to get that unless he leaves his wife, which he aint gonna do. But if you want it just for the excitement and the sex and the thrill of it...and maybe some nice clothes, jewels, car, place to live, then by all means baby...bite a big chunk out of that meat and chew on it for as long as you can.
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I know single guys who wear wedding bands just to get sluts like that. Something about the thrill of the hunt, taking something that doesn't belong to you, or some other stupid mental shit for the women. We used to laugh about it over beers.
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Sex seems to be the only benefit from an affair, take it from a daughter. My stepdad had an affair, it hurt my mom and it hurt me. I'm 20 and scared shitless to be in a serious relationship, just because of the actions of my stepdad. You're going to be hurt when things come crashing to an end
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Don't do it.
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It will make you miserable! At first it will be exciting, and then realization will set are nothing more than a side dish!
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This picture is HOT!
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^ Yes - it looks like she is about to fellate him while sitting on the bed - she seems to be nude below the waist and that makes her seem so vulnerable.
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