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I don't blame you for not wanting to marry me...I wouldn't want to be married to me either. Pretty dress though.

I don't blame you for not wanting to marry me...I wouldn't want to be married to me either. Pretty dress though.

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Category: Secrets

What the f***?
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^i'm with that guy!
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Looks like her hemorrhoids exploded! Nasty dress!
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^You have no taste and a one track mind on top of it. Why don't you just go jackoff or something.
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^Just go suck on your boyfriends little dick...that should give you something to whack off to. Or maybe he will just pound you in the ass again...
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Whoever would spend money on that fugly dress has no taste whatsoever.
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i never fit in the crowd and this just proves it once more.. i like the dress, at least from the distance i can see it. but in all reality it's not about the dress. who ever the OP is i'm sorry your hurting. are you sure the one you love doesn't want to marrie you??? have you talked about it?? miscomunication leads to misunderstandings more times then not.
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^ Someone using the word "miscommunication" who can't even spell it. Now that's f***ing funny!!!
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At least the OP admits she's a b****. That's a good first step.
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^Too bad you can't admit you're an epic fail!
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Wow, funny how people assume stuff. OP here, and the first time I've written on this comment opinion thingy. But thanks to the girl who has my back-it is a beautiful dress! Especially for a 2nd time bride...we're allowed to wear color. Anyway, to clarify, he's afraid things will change after we get married. That's what I was talking about. But yes, I can be a b****, much like every other man or woman in a relationship, or not in a relationship. For those of you not so bright: People in general can be b****y. We all have our good days and our bad days, right? However, I'm glad it makes you all feel so much better to try to totally destroy a person who feels the need to anonymously write a secret to a site so she can get it out of her system. Your parents must be proud of you for being so compassionate and caring.
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If he doesn't want to marry you he doesn't want to be with you. I'm sorry to tell you but it's the truth. Don't wait for himt o be the typical loser man and let him cheat on you so that you will break up with him, just get it out of the way and break up with out all the drama that's around the corner. Don't be niave.
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Yeah this is not the place to try for sympathy - most of the posters have no soul.
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^I think you need to go jackoff or something. You have a lot of pent up aggression!
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I love the dress:) Good luck.
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