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Even though I love my boyfriend and I know he loves me, we will eventually have to break up because he is too lazy to go down on me. Only 8 times in 2 years. :(

Even though I love my boyfriend and I know he loves me, we will eventually have to break up because he is too lazy to go down on me. Only 8 times in 2 years. :(

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Category: Secrets

I know how you feel.
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my hubby was the same way because the first time he did i squirmed the whole time.....he took that as me pulling away and not liking it. gosh boys are stupid sometimes! i actually had to say go down on me, and you know what? he did! men are not mind readers.
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i only got it 2 times in 8 i have to admit though, break up or you will cheat. some guys are just gay and we don't even know it.
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Ask and you shall receive.
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My boyfriend begs me to let him do that to me but I don't like it. He gets pissed cuz I won't let him.
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Ever use a douche?
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Do you ask him to go down on you? He's done it 8 times, it's not like he won't do it, right?
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Do you go down a lot?? if you do stop and if you don't then do it. Or how about you just sit on his face so he can just be lazy and lay there. Also is that the only reason you will break up? I mean is he a good man otherwise??
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Was he drunk or high those 8 times?
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In 12 years my GF gained enough weight to make missionary position impossible. How does a woman go from Hot to Not in such a short time? Two nights ago she asked me to F her but I couldn't because I could not get turned on. I'm 58 and still get a.m. wood when I dream about sex with a women that turn me on.
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Call me....
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how big is she? 12 years is not short it's long btw..and really missionary impossible??? How big are you?
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How big am I? We're the same height but her tummy is big and round. I am 5'6". 167 and very active, i.e. cycling, ATV, Dirt bikes, etc..She is a sports couch potato but she does give me oral PRN....
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^why are you with her?
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Why am I with her? She has her own room and pays me rent, no kids. We had a long distance relations ship for 7 years and after she had knee surgery she put on all that weight. Basically, I come and go as I please.
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How about 8 times a night
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Love the pic, thats too bad, alot of guys would be more than happy to preform cunnilingus. Treat it like a priveledge, not a chore and he will do the same.
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Going down on my old lady is still exciting as hell...even after 32 years. If I couldn't do it I'd be really bummed.
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You just need to be direct with him. Eating at the Y is one of the most intimate, sensual and exciting things a man has to offer a woman, give him a chance, if he knew what you wanted he would do it all the time. I love flicking my tongue across a swollen clitoris and the taste is superb. I only wish I was young enough to enjoy it once again with a woman who loved it too.
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Do you have curtainZ?
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God I love doing it! I would do it to ALOT of women, except I'm married. My wife doesn't have to ask even though I would like her to reciprocate. I sometimes have to beg her to sit on my face.
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Thats why sweetie, he will always be just a boy friend. Funny though to hear this cause so many guys marry women that do not perform fellato. In this case they would proclaim that the woman (wife) has many more outstanding qualities and they would not base their marriage on a simple sexual act. So take it for what it's worth. I take it your BF doesn't really have any other "outstanding qualities" then that you'd consider.
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I had luch at the Y last night. It was Taco Tuesday . And a bit of Hair Pie on the side.
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Hi, I posted this. To address some comments:I have talked to him about it. He acknowledges that he doesn't do it enough (not nearly as often as I go down on him), he says he will start doing it more often but then he never does. He always says he is too tired and he would rather just have sex and go to bed. (Sex time for him is always right before bed. Can't convince him otherwise) I don't need to douche, I'm very clean and smell good, shaved, and I asked him if it was any of those things and he said no. I stopped going down on him as much as I used to but I can't bring myself to stop completely because I like doing it. I'm sure he would rather have more blow jobs but he seems to think that as long as we have sex he is ok. (which by the way we have been having sex less and less often as well). There is nothing wrong with me, I am good looking and in shape, exactly the same as I was when we first started dating. I don't want to dump him just because of oral sex. The situation shows me that he really doesn't care about me or my needs and that he is pretty selfish. Even though our relationship is good in other ways I can't stay with someone who is so selfish and lazy.
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^ You may have to decide. That's too bad, you sound like a nice (and tasty) sweet girl. Good luck! He's a fool!
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hey your relationship sounds like my relationship that ended in divorce.
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Provide a lemon wedge in case of fishy smell.
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You are absolutely right. Any man that won't go down is selfish. It usually shows in other aspects of the relationship as well, as in not doing his share of the chores too. Good luck, a good man is hard to find, maybe he will come around.
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maybe if you wash your ass and pussy he just might go down on you !!!!
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what an idiot pussy is good on the tongue lick lick kiss
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Sweetie, there are some things you can put up with and some things you can't. You need to make a choice and stick with it. If you decide to stay, then you have to "Put Up and Shut Up". What do you want to do?
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I agree that if that is something that is a deal breaker for you then there is no way around it. If it is something You can get past and if the rest of the realtionship is healthy and flourishing then I would say stay. Honestly you will just trade one bad apple for another it will just be bruised in diffrent spots.
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I have the perfect solution. Get a girlfriend.Slurp! Slurp!
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Aw Gawd! I literally have to beg my girl friend to sit on my face!
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If that were my man, I would've dumped his ass ASAP. He wouldn't have lasted a year with me. A guy who refuses to eat pussy is a major dealer breaker for me.
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Maybe he has someone on the side.
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